The PsycTHERAPY Teaching Guide

PsycTHERAPY® is APA’s database of streaming psychotherapy videos, allowing users to observe psychotherapy techniques as they are put into practice by master practitioners. The videos cover a variety of presenting issues and therapy topics, such as anxiety and self-perception, and include an assortment of well-known therapists working with individuals, couples, and families. The database enables graduate students, educators, and practitioners to see the therapeutic approaches and techniques they’ve read about come to life. Currently, PsycTHERAPY contains nearly 400 videos, with an update scheduled for April that will bring the total number available to 430.

Cover of the The PsycTHERAPY Teaching GuideOver the course of 2015, we talked to educators about how they are making use of PsycTHERAPY. In doing so, we encountered faculty who were using the database in ways we never could have imagined. The PsycTHERAPY Teaching Guide, released in the fall, is the result of conversations with these faculty. The book features a series of exercises, including step-by-step instructions, for using PsycTHERAPY with students, in clinical supervision settings, psychotherapy researcher training, and more.

A free PDF of The PsycTHERAPY Teaching Guide is available to all PsycTHERAPY subscribers and users. Simply sign in to PsycTHERAPY and look for the link on the landing page. In addition, you’ll find it in PsycBOOKS®, and a softcover edition is available for purchase on the APA website.



Subscribers may download a PDF of The PsycTHERAPY Teaching Guide directly from the database.

How have you integrated PsycTHERAPY into your curriculum? Share your techniques in the comments, or send a note to

Related Resources:
Learn more about how to use PsycTHERAPY, including how to cite the videos in APA Style®, on the PsycINFO® YouTube Channel.

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