In May, APA added 47 new terms to its Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms® to provide more effective searching on current topics, including climate and environment, social and cultural issues, eating and nutrition, and mental health. This thesaurus update also includes 34 new cross-referenced terms and 33 revised scope notes.
New terms from this spring update will initially be applied to current content only; following the fall release, the majority of postable terms new for 2022 will be back-mapped to older records.

Using the controlled vocabulary of the Thesaurus means a database search will quickly and accurately retrieve all publications related to a specific concept, regardless of the keywords the authors may have used.
The Thesaurus tool is found on all platforms as part of APA PsycInfo® and redirects synonyms to the preferred “Use” term to include in your search. Each Thesaurus record includes links to broader terms, narrower terms, and related terms, the year the term was introduced, an historical note if applicable, and a scope note providing definition and application.
You can see the full list of Thesaurus changes on our website.
Related Resource:
YouTube Tutorial – Using the APA Thesaurus to Find Relevant Articles on a Topic