APA PsycBooks has been updated with a variety of new scholarly and professional ebooks on the most relevant topics in psychology. These new and updated titles cover subjects such as neuropsychology, developmental psychology, couple and group therapy, and more.
Read on to learn more and read a preview of each title:
New and upcoming titles in APA PsycBooks
The following titles are available in APA PsycBooks and the 2025 APA Books E-Collection*:
Behavioral Interventions in Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Third Edition
By Richard F. Farmer and Alexander L. Chapman
The third edition of this book clearly and methodically introduces the behavioral perspective to readers new to cognitive-behavioral therapy, while also applying a fresh lens for connecting theory, research, and practice for more experienced practitioners. Instead of matching interventions with client populations or diagnoses, the authors emphasize a framework and set of principles that are broadly applicable to adult clients.
By J. Scott Fraser
This book shows mental health providers how to envision crises as time-limited windows of opportunity—as tipping points clients can seize to achieve new insights and move in positive directions in their lives. Real life case studies illustrate the Process of Change model in action, demonstrating how each of those cycles can be tipped toward resolution by embracing the contextual process of change perspective.
Principles of Self-Talk in Sport Settings
Edited by Jordan Thibodeaux, Judy L. Van Raalte, and Yani Dickens
The editors of this book examine the theory and practice of self-talk in sports performance, with a special emphasis on approaches that move beyond linear, cognitively-focused understandings of self-talk. Chapters bring together authors from diverse theoretical backgrounds and fields, and offer tools for coaches and mental health providers to measure self-talk, and examine different approaches to self-talk, including ecological and embodied cognition, and draw important links between self-talk and other areas of cognitive functioning, such as emotion regulation.
Therapists’ Sexual Feelings and Fantasies
By Kenneth S. Pope, Nayeli Y. Chavez-Dueñas, and Hector Y. Adames
The psychotherapy profession has always struggled to deal openly with therapists’ sexual feelings. Between the often unavoidable fact of sexual attraction, and the potential crossing of boundaries and sexual relationships with clients, there exists a wide range of assumptions, beliefs, feelings, and daydreams that often are suppressed and unspoken—sometimes with devastating consequences. This book offers a concise, practical guide to ethical and legal concerns related to therapists’ sexual feelings and fantasies.
Deliberate Practice in Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy
By Hanna Levenson, Sam Jinich, Alexandre Vaz, and Tony Rousmaniere
The deliberate practice exercises in this book present role-playing scenarios in which two trainees act as a client and a clinician, switching back and forth under the guidance of a supervisor. The clinician improvises appropriate and authentic responses to client statements organized into three difficulty levels—beginner, intermediate, and advanced—that reflect common client questions and concerns.
Mattering as a Core Need in Children and Adolescents
By Gordon L. Flett
With a strong evidence-based focus, this title offers unique insights from the psychological literature that draw clear links between a lack of mattering and measures of depression, anxiety, suicide risk, aggression and violence, as well as positive outcomes related to strong family relationships and measures of resilience, adaptability, motivation, and performance. Clinical applications summarize mental health interventions to measure and address issues related to mattering in family, school, and community contexts.
The Neuropsychologist’s Workbook
By Cady Kristen Block and Sabrina Hickle
This is a hands-on, practical workbook to accompany The Neuropsychologist’s Roadmap: A Training and Career Guide. This workbook covers the training journey in neuropsychology, as well as its foundational and functional competencies. The Neuropsychologist’s Workbook is a valuable resource for anyone considering a career in neuropsychology or those who train, supervisor, or mentor students in this field.
Concise Guide to Borderline Personality Disorder
By Joel Paris
This title is a brief, practical guide to the most current research on and treatment for borderline personality disorder (BPD). In this updated, practical and evidence-based guide, the author uses the biopsychosocial model to contextualize and inform diagnosis and treatment for BPD. Chapters describe risk factors associated with BPD, the development of BPD across the lifespan, and how BPD can be managed in therapy.
Solution-Focused Brief Therapy With Families
Edited by Cynthia Franklin and Johnny S. Kim
This book presents SFBT to family psychologists and other therapists and health care professionals in related fields in an easy to learn format that provides specific clinical skills and case examples to enhance learning. It provides an overview of SFBT, a brief history of its origins, underlying theory and research, and session sequencing and tools for using the SFBT approach with families, and teaches the reader how to conduct an SFBT session from beginning to end.
Deliberate Practice in Career Counseling
By Jennifer M. Taylor, Alexandre Vaz, and Tony Rousmaniere
*Note: this title is not included in the 2025 APA Books E-Collection
Deliberate practice exercises help trainees achieve competence in essential career counseling skills and apply them in a variety of contexts while honing their own personal style. Step-by-step instructions guide participants through the exercises, identify criteria for mastering the skills, and explain how to monitor and adjust difficulty. Guidelines to help trainers and trainees get the most out of training are also provided.
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