New additions to APA PsycBooks® provide insights into teaching psychology courses, training in cognitive behavior therapy, and career assessment.
Recently Released Ebooks
Transforming Introductory Psychology: Expert Advice on Teacher Training, Course Design, and Student Success
Associated Courses: Intro to Psychology, Teaching Psychology
Each year, well over a million undergraduate students take an introductory psychology course. This edited volume presents recommendations for designing and teaching this important course.
The book’s recommendations cover four key areas: course design, defining and assessing student learning goals and outcomes, teacher training and development, and student learning and transformation. This work is a must-have for every psychology department and every person who teaches introductory psychology.
Career Assessment: Integrating Interests, Abilities, and Personality
Associated Courses: Psychological Counseling; I/O Psychology
Career and work contribute significantly to personal and life satisfaction—and, when they are problematic, to personal unhappiness and stress.
This comprehensive career assessment book addresses the three major areas that matter the most for understanding and helping people with their career choices: occupational interests, abilities, and personality characteristics. The book provides a model that career assessors can use to offer practical career guidance.
Deliberate Practice in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Part of the Essentials of Deliberate Practice series
By James F. Boswell and Michael J. Constantino
Associated Courses: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy; Psychological Counseling and Psychotherapy
Deliberate practice exercises help students and trainees rehearse fundamental cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) skills to develop basic competence and hone their own personal therapeutic style.
The book provides customized exercises consisting of role-playing scenarios in which two trainees act as a client and a therapist, switching back and forth under the guidance of a supervisor. Step-by-step instructions guide participants through the exercises, identify criteria for mastering each skill, and explain how to monitor and adjust difficulty. Guidelines to help trainers and trainees get the most out of training are also provided.
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