Training Alert: APA PsycInfo Webinars for Students, Faculty, and Researchers (Fall 2022)

Interested in strengthening your APA database searching skills? Or are you not sure how to start your behavioral sciences research project? Join us for the next round of APA PsycInfo® webinars designed for students, faculty, and anyone else who wants to learn more about how to search APA PsycInfo more effectively!

APA Publishing’s training specialists offer free webinars through Zoom to help APA PsycInfo users learn how to make maximum use of their time searching APA’s research databases.

Search tips and strategies covered in both sessions are relevant to all search platforms — APA PsycNet®, EBSCOhost, Ovid, and ProQuest.

The sessions may be attended separately, but we encourage you to take both if you are interested!

Register for the Zoom events using the links below. 


APA PsycInfo: Basic Search 

This 30-minute session is for anyone who is new to searching the behavioral sciences literature, finds the prospect of research a bit daunting, or usually begins their search with Google or Google Scholar. 

After a brief APA PsycInfo overview, APA trainers demonstrate simple yet powerful techniques including how to quickly identify the best search terms, apply filters to narrow the range of results, and pinpoint empirical studies. 

Monday, September 12th, 11:00 AM Eastern Time 

Thursday, October 13th, 2:00 PM Eastern Time


APA PsycInfo: Advanced Search 

This 30-minute follow-up to the Basic Search session highlights some of APA PsycInfo’s advanced functionality, designed to increase your efficiency by retrieving better search results faster.  

Highlights include using APA Thesaurus terms and other database fields to target your search, Boolean operators to accurately include or exclude concepts, and cited references to find related research.

Monday, September 19th, 11:00 AM Eastern Time 

Thursday, October 20th, 2:00 PM Eastern Time 


Can’t attend a scheduled session?

Training Alert: APA PsycInfo Webinars for Librarians (Fall 2022)

Interested in an APA PsycInfo refresher as the fall semester gets underway? 

APA Publishing’s training specialists offer free webinars through Zoom to help APA PsycInfo users learn how to make maximum use of their time searching APA’s research databases.

Our 45-minute webinar demonstrates a few novel ways to use APA PsycInfo for more than just locating articles, and is designed for subject specialists, reference librarians, and instructors who provide support for behavioral sciences students and faculty

Search tips and strategies covered are relevant to all search platforms — APA PsycNet®, EBSCOhost, Ovid, and ProQuest.

Register for the Zoom events using the links below.


Beyond Subject Searching in APA PsycInfo 

Have you ever used APA PsycInfo to identify the types of research being done at a particular institution? Or to discover additional journals that might be a good match for a prospective author’s research? 

You’ll also learn how to uncover details about grants and sponsorships that can help reveal potential funding opportunities, and how to find important information about tests and assessment tools.  

Thursday, September 8th, 1:00 PM Eastern Time 

Wednesday, October 26th, 2:00 PM Eastern Time 


Can’t attend a scheduled session?

New Thesaurus Terms for Searching APA PsycInfo (Spring 2022)

In May, APA added 47 new terms to its Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms® to provide more effective searching on current topics, including climate and environment, social and cultural issues, eating and nutrition, and mental health. This thesaurus update also includes 34 new cross-referenced terms and 33 revised scope notes.

New terms from this spring update will initially be applied to current content only; following the fall release, the majority of postable terms new for 2022 will be back-mapped to older records.

New terms in the Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms as of May 2022
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Using the Methodology Limiter in APA PsycInfo

It’s Tutorial Thursday! In this series, we explore APA’s library of video tutorials available on the APA Publishing Training YouTube channel. Please feel free to link to or embed our videos in your library websites or LibGuides, course management systems, or other locations where students, faculty, and researchers will find them.

In our newest set of tutorials, you’ll learn how use APA PsycInfo’s methodology limiter to find journal articles that use a specific methodology or study design.

Select the link below to see a demo on the platform where you use APA PsycInfo.

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New Thesaurus Terms for Searching APA PsycInfo

In July 2021, APA added 50 new terms to the Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms® to provide more effective searching on current topics including vaccination attitudes, racial trauma, and gender expression.  

Most of these new terms were mapped back and added to records published in APA’s databases in the last 5 years. This Thesaurus update also included 32 new cross-referenced terms, and new and revised scope notes. 

The 9,900+ index terms found in the Thesaurus provide precise and consistent terminology for searching all APA research databases. Using the controlled vocabulary of the Thesaurus means a database search will quickly retrieve all items about a specific concept no matter what keywords the authors used. 

The Thesaurus tool is found on all platforms as part of APA PsycInfo® and redirects synonyms to the preferred “Use” term to include in your search. Each Thesaurus record includes links to broader terms, narrower terms, and related terms, the year the term was introduced, an historical note if applicable, and a scope note providing definition and application. 

You can see the full list of Thesaurus changes on our website.  

Related Resource: 
YouTube Tutorial – Using the APA Thesaurus to Find Relevant Articles on a Topic