Tutorial Tuesday: How (and Why) to use the APA Thesaurus on APA PsycNET

It’s Tutorial Tuesday! In this series, we explore APA’s library of video tutorials available on the PsycINFO® YouTube channel and the APA Style CENTRAL® YouTube channel. Please feel free to link to or embed our videos in your library websites or LibGuides, course management systems, or other locations where students, faculty, and researchers will find them.

We recently updated one of our tutorials: How (and Why) to Use the APA Thesaurus on APA PsycNET®.""

How can you be sure you are finding the best results for your search?

By using the best search terms! The APA Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms (“APA Thesaurus”) contains the controlled vocabulary that APA uses to describe and categorize all content indexed in PsycINFO. This resource is regularly updated to include new and changing terminology for topics in the behavioral sciences, and you can put it to work for you!

Using the APA Thesaurus helps you eliminate “noise” from your search and retrieve the most relevant results by revealing the best search terms for your topic. The APA Thesaurus is a valuable tool for students new to research or any researcher who is new to a topic area and may not yet know the best terminology for searching.

This brief video (2:40 minutes) demonstrates the benefits of using the APA Thesaurus when searching databases on the APA PsycNET platform, and includes:

  • Examples of recent terminology updates to the APA Thesaurus;
  • How to access the APA Thesaurus when crafting a search;
  • Using the APA Thesaurus to find related terms for narrowing or expanding your search;
  • Discovering index terms for broader concepts that encompass your research topic and make searching more efficient; and
  • Uncovering additional search terms you may not have considered.

This tutorial is a great resource to link from a LibGuide or course module for any class working with APA Databases on APA PsycNET, and can be helpful in answering email or chat reference questions.

The previous version of this tutorial will remain available, but if you have embedded or linked to it anywhere, we encourage you to update your materials with the link to this new version.

Related Resources:

APA PsycNET® Help Files Update

We are pleased to announce that a revised version of APA PsycNET® Help files is now available to support the July 2017 platform update. Help files were updated to reflect the new user-interface changes related to responsive design, content discovery, and search tools.

PsycNET Help is available at top-right of the screen, next to the Login link:

Help link shown to right of Login link

The APA PsycNET Help module includes detailed information about:

  • Getting Started with APA PsycNET, including database descriptions
  • Basic and Advanced Search, including fields, filters, and display options
  • Cited References searching
  • Search results, including searching, managing, filtering, and finding full text
  • Managing Searches, including email alerts, RSS feeds, and permalinks
  • Recent searches, My PsycNET, and MyList
  • Browse function for each database
  • APA Thesaurus, including why & how to incorporate it into your search
  • Additional search options, including Lookup tools, Boolean operators, truncation, and more.

Related Resources:

What’s New with APA PsycNET

On July 17, the APA PsycNET platform released a refreshed version that included a new look and feel, as well as a technology upgrade.

We hope this refresh has allowed you to continue your research seamlessly.


The features that you’re used to on APA PsycNET are still there, including:

  • Your personal My List, My PsycNET, alerts, and saved searches;
  • Thesaurus or Term Finder;
  • Cited References search;
  • An unchanged search algorithm;
  • The same records and full-text as before, with regular weekly updates.


We’ve also added some new tools to assist you, such as related content, a test lookup tool, and additional browse options.


If you would like more information about these new tools, please view our webinar on the APA PsycNET changes.


Or view the slides detailing APA PsycNET’s new additions.

Webinar Alert: PsycINFO Sessions for Students & Faculty – August 9-11, 2017

Our next series of PsycINFO® webinars for students and faculty will run on August 9, 10, and 11 from 11 – 11:30 a.m. EDT. The sessions may be attended separately, but we encourage those who are interested to take all three, so we offer them on consecutive days:

We will provide information relevant to all search platforms including APA PsycNET®, EBSCOhost, Ovid, and ProQuest. The platform demonstrated will be based on the needs of the attendees of each session. For more information on this series, including full descriptions, please visit our database webinar training web page.

These webinars are an ideal way for students to get a refresher on PsycINFO if they have had a previous training session. Please help us spread the word to interested students and faculty!

APA PsycNET® – Updated Search Guides available

Starting on Monday, July 17, APA PsycNET® has a new look and feel, and we’ve updated our search guides to reflect these changes.


If you need help getting started, please see our Quick Reference Guide.


For more detailed information about the fields you’ll see in the record and on the advanced search page, please see our Record Structure.


Interested in further training? Have questions? We’re offering 30-minute webinars to tour the APA PsycNET updates.