New releases in the APA Books® E-Collections cover cognitive behavioral therapy, immigration in Central and South America, and researching everyday life.
The newest clinical title is a two-volume handbook exploring cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), a psychological treatment that focuses on shifting unhelpful thinking or behavior patterns to more adaptive thinking or behavior patterns. The handbook provides the background of CBT in both historical and theoretical terms and covers applications of the treatment.
New academic titles include a book that addresses the urgent issues that face migrants throughout Central and South America, offering conceptual, theoretical, and methodological tools for understanding the psychological processes that underlie migration and intergroup contact. Another book offers a step-by-step guide to researching what people do in their everyday lives.
Recently Released Ebooks
Below, we will indicate which E-Collections each title is included in.
Handbook of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Edited by: Amy Wenzel
Associated Courses: Cognitive Psychology, Counseling Process, Psychological Counseling and Psychotherapy
E-Collection: Full, Clinical
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a psychological treatment that focuses on shifting unhelpful thinking or behavior patterns to more adaptive thinking or behavior patterns. This two-volume handbook presents the contemporary cognitive behavioral scholarship that defines the field today. With its in-depth coverage, up-to-date research, and rich clinical examples, this handbook is an invaluable resource for all clinicians who offer CBT.
Volume 1
The first volume provides a historical and theoretical overview of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). It summarizes the empirical support for the approach, describes the main strategies and techniques, and outlines an array of CBT treatment packages.
Volume 2
Volume 2 evaluates the application of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to specific clinical conditions, modalities and settings, and diverse populations.
Intraregional Migration in Latin America
Edited by: Vanessa Smith-Castro, David Sirlopú, Anja Eller, and Hüseyin Çakal
Associated Courses: Political Psychology, Human Behavior in Social Environments
E-Collection: Full, Academic
War, political instability, and disparities in wealth and opportunity have long driven migration within Latin America, and this process shows no sign of slowing. This book addresses the psychosocial causes, consequences, and underpinnings of intraregional migration in Latin America.
Cross-cultural and social psychologists address the urgent issues that face migrants throughout Central and South America such as:
- overt prejudice and discrimination, particularly toward immigrants of indigenous or African-American origin;
- microaggressions;
- the tendency to positively value fair skin and European surnames; and
- political questions regarding the nature of citizenship and nationhood and links between legacies of colonialism and slavery and present-day inequality.
Researching Daily Life: A Guide to Experience Sampling and Daily Diary Methods
By: Paul J. Silvia and Katherine N. Cotter
Associated Courses: Qualitative Method, Research Methods and Design in Psychology
E-Collection: Full, Academic
Daily life research is the study of what people do in their ordinary environments in their everyday lives. This practical, beginner-friendly book provides students with the conceptual foundation and practical knowledge needed to examine psychological processes “up close” in ways that experimental and survey methods do not allow.
The basic approach is to collect data intensively over time, at least once a day for many days, in people’s natural environments rather than in research labs. The guide explains the entire process of the research project, including first selecting a design and developing survey items, then collecting and cleaning data, and finally analyzing and disseminating the findings.
The 2021 Full, Academic, and Clinical E-Collections are now available.
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