APA Style CENTRAL Expert Tip: Exporting an APA Style Paper Reference List

Do you need to create an APA Style® reference list for sharing with your journal club, collaborating with a colleague, or preparing a course assignment? APA Style CENTRAL® can help with that!

How to export a paper’s reference list formatted in APA Style as a Microsoft Word file:

1. At the top of the screen, expand the My File Cabinet menu and select My Papers to view your list of saved papers. Open the file containing the reference list you want to export.

2. In the left navigation menu of the paper editing screen, use the arrow to expand the EXPORT menu and select Download.

3. Under the Download Paper heading, select Word (*.docx, selected by default) or PDF as the file type.

4. Use the Download Paper button to export the file.

5. The exported file will be saved in your browser’s default Downloads folder (or the location specified when saving the file).

Tip: To obtain a reference list for an annotated bibliography, begin a new paper by entering a title and then use the Add References button to immediately begin creating your reference list (see screenshot below). When you’ve finished adding references, use the steps above to export the paper as a Word file and continue working in Word to insert your annotation for each reference.

This expert tip was inspired by a question from a user like you! Have a question of your own?
Please let us know at Support@APAStyleCENTRAL.org.

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Apply by July 31: APA Librarian Conference Travel Award for Fall 2018 Conferences

There’s still time to get your application package together!

Do you work in an academic or health sciences library in the United States? Are you an early- or mid-career librarian? Are you looking for sources of funding for a conference you’d like to attend this fall?

If the answer to all of those questions is yes, please consider applying for an APA Librarian Conference Travel Award! Through July 31, 2018, we are accepting applications for conferences taking place from September – December 2018. This includes – but is not limited to – the EDUCAUSE Annual Conference, the Charleston Library Conference, and Internet Librarian International, the Joint Conference of Librarians of ColorLibrary Marketing & Communications Conference, and the Library Assessment Conference.

The award is intended to help defray conference-related expenses for librarians with less than 15 years of experience after receiving their MLS/MLIS. One cash award is distributed three times each calendar year, and the application cycle opens and closes on a rolling basis. At this time, we are not limiting the conferences that are eligible for travel award funding. Applicants should identify the conference that best meets their professional needs and explain how attendance will support their current duties and future goals.

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APA Style CENTRAL: Distance Learning webinar recording

Learn how you can use tools and content in APA Style CENTRAL to teach APA Style and information literacy to distance and online students. Librarians from two subscribing institutions will also share specifics about how they are using APA Style CENTRAL on their virtual campuses.

Don’t support distance learning? Many of the tips covered in this session apply to using online resources with on-campus students.

Learning Objectives
1. Identify and locate APA Style CENTRAL content that can be used in bibliographic and course instruction.
2. Identify two different ways APA Style CENTRAL content can be incorporated into online resources.

Recording available: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZxKPLBx-c94

The content of this webinar was based on a presentation planned for the 18th Distance Library Services Conference and those slides are online at https://www.slideshare.net/APAStyleCENTRAL/18th-distance-library-services-conference-love-at-first-cite-using-apa-style-central-to-reach-distance-students

We’d love to hear more from you… How are you using APA Style CENTRAL on your campus and incorporating its tools and services into bibliographic and classroom instruction? Do you have any suggestions for our Product Development team? Would your faculty or students benefit from custom training from APA’s trainers? Let us know at support@apastylecentral.org

New in PsycBOOKS: April – June 2018

In April, APA added 2 new titles to PsycBOOKS®

In May, APA added 6 new titles to PsycBOOKS® , including one Handbook.

In June, APA added 5 new titles to PsycBOOKS®

Bibliographic records are available through your PsycBOOKS vendor. You may also download RDA records directly from APA by following the instructions in the APA PsycNET® Administrator Help Menu.

View the past monthly PsycBOOKS update lists, a list of sample PsycBOOKS titles, and the full coverage list for PsycBOOKS.

New Handbook: APA Handbook of Dementia

The APA Handbooks in Psychology series was launched in 2011 to provide comprehensive overviews and in-depth study of specific subfields within psychology. All 28 of the Handbooks are included in the PsycBOOKS® database, and titles are also available individually.

The most recent addition to this series is the APA Handbook of Dementia, edited by Glenn E. Smith and published in May 2018.

This handbook addresses assessment, comorbidity, evaluation, and treatment of various forms of dementia, and reviews common dementias including Alzheimer’s disease, Lewy body disease, vascular dementia, frontotemporal dementia, and other less common dementias. It is organized into sections discussing diagnosis, epidemiology, and neurobiology (including neuropathology and neuroimaging); assessment, including cultural issues, methodology, and neuropsychology; and primary, secondary, and tertiary intervention strategies.

The handbook is intended as a resource for all psychologists and other health professionals that serve persons and families impacted by neurodegenerative disease.


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