Discover the latest special issues added to APA PsycArticles

APA PsycArticles® has been updated to include an array of special journal issues covering the most up-to-date topics in psychology, including trauma in young adults, racial justice, and traumatic brain injury.

These special issues feature peer-reviewed journal articles from leading researchers, and provide key insights for students, faculty, and practitioners alike searching for the latest scientific literature in their field.

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Support effective writing and research at your institution

Academic Writer is APA’s revolutionary writing platform designed to help students develop long-lasting scholarly writing and research skills. Combining self-paced learning with seamless integration of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.), this resource helps students grow and succeed in their academic careers while enabling educators to focus on teaching their curriculum.

To help your academic community maximize institutional access to Academic Writer, we’ve compiled a series of video tutorials demonstrating various features of the platform. Read on to watch and share these resources with your users:

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Maximize your institution’s use of APA PsycTests with interdisciplinary search guides

APA PsycTests is a one-of-a-kind database of psychological measures, scales, and instruments used for research. With more than 68,000 unique records, this database saves users time from having to reproduce tests when conducting research on previously measured constructs.

Not only is it an essential tool for psychology students, practitioners, and researchers, APA PsycTests can be used to conduct, create, or measure research in behavioral and psychological aspects of other fields. Read on to learn more about how to use APA PsycTests as an interdisciplinary resource.

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