APA Librarian Conference Travel Award: Reflections on the 2018 British Columbia Library Conference

The most recent recipient of the APA Librarian Conference Travel Award, Kaetrena Kendrick at the University of South Carolina Lancaster’s Medford Library, used the award to defray the cost of her attendance at the British Columbia Library Association (BCLA) conference in May 2018. Patti Avellanet of APA’s Databases & Electronic Resources Customer Engagement team recently talked with her to learn what she thought of the conference. The following transcript of their conversation has been lightly edited for clarity and context.

Patti: Hi, Kaetrena! I know you were headed to the British Columbia Library Association Conference when we last talked, and I’m eager to hear your thoughts and overall impressions.

Kaetrena: The BC Library Conference was very well-organized and welcoming; there were numerous presentations that supported the conference’s theme of “Work + Culture.” I was really excited about this theme which “urge[d] an examination of the connections between work environments, institutional cultures, and communities; an inquiry of how cultures can impact, clash, and complement each other and inform society as a whole,” (BCLA, 2018). The theme dovetailed perfectly with my recent work on low morale in academic libraries.

Patti: Indeed, it did – and congratulations on this opportunity to present and promote not one, but two sets of research findings! I admire your work to understand and improve the well-being of librarians behind the reference desk as well as the students in front of it. (Ed. Note: Kaetrena’s presentations were on low morale in academic librarians, and how welcome Black/African-American students feel as library patrons attending Predominantly White Institutions [PWIs].) Were there any events or groups that you found particularly useful or welcoming?

Kaetrena: One of their protocols I really enjoyed at this conference was that, instead of speaker gifts, the British Columbia Library Association contributed to a non-profit organization focused on combating Islamophobia and racism.

Patti: What a great idea – simultaneously honoring the speakers and the library profession in such a substantive, meaningful way. Was the conference as valuable as you’d hoped it would be?

Kaetrena: Yes! As excited as I was to travel to present my research, the real value was being able to talk with Canadian academic librarians and explore how they approach their practice. Even though we share a continent with Canada, for me it was an opportunity to delve into my other research love: international/comparative librarianship. I met many librarians who told me about their experiences. Their feedback both validated my current work and will probably inform my future research.

Patti: Being immersed in an environment where ideas are flowing freely and being discussed by colleagues with common ideals but differing perspectives sounds energizing. Were there any takeaways you thought you might be able to immediately put into practice?

Kaetrena: I loved the speaker contribution idea so much that I took it back to the Metrolina Library Association Board where I’m an At-Large Member, and we did something similar for our keynote during our June 2018 Conference. Our conference theme was “Advancing Diversity: Moving Beyond Discussion,” and we gave a contribution to the E.J. Josey Scholarship.

Patti: I think it’s terrific that you were able to quickly transform your excitement into a tangible community contribution. What do you think is the most useful thing you brought back from the sessions you attended?

Kaetrena: In terms of programming, I really enjoyed a presentation focused on workplace systems and motivation, and I think some of the systems discussed are worth reviewing in my own library.

Patti: Is the British Columbia Library Association Conference one that you would recommend to other librarians?

Kaetrena: I would recommend this conference to librarians working in all environments or specialties who are interested in international librarianship. It provides many opportunities to meet people and delve into conversations that you can only do at smaller (but mighty) regional conferences.

Patti: Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers?

Kaetrena: I’d like to thank the American Psychological Association for offering this wonderful research and travel support opportunity. As an active scholar and academic librarian at a small and rural college campus, awards like this make it possible for me to disseminate my work internationally, and more importantly, directly connect with colleagues globally.

Patti: APA is pleased to have supported you in extending your research to an international community with this travel award. It sounds like your attendance at this BCLA conference was a very rewarding professional development experience in many ways!  Best wishes to you, and thanks so much for talking with me today.

Would you or a librarian you know benefit from receiving an APA Librarian Conference Travel Award?

From September 1 through November 30, 2018, the APA Librarian Conference Travel Award is accepting applications for conferences taking place from January – April 2019. Please visit the website for details on eligibility, deadlines, and application materials.

Apply by November 30: Librarian Travel Award for Spring 2019 Conferences

If you’re an early- or mid-career librarian working in a U.S. academic or health sciences library — and still looking for funding sources to attend a valuable conference next spring — we encourage you to submit an application for the APA Librarian Conference Travel Award!

Through November 30, we are accepting applications for conferences taking place from January to April. This includes – but is not limited to – the National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology, ALA Midwinter, Electronic Resources & Libraries, Code4Lib, and the Annual Conference on the First Year Experience. The award recipient will be selected in early to mid-January.

This award is intended to help defray conference-related expenses for librarians with less than 15 years of experience after receiving their MLS or MLIS. One cash award is distributed three times each calendar year, and the application cycle opens and closes on a rolling basis. At this time, we are not limiting the conferences that are eligible for travel award funding. Applicants should identify the conference that best meets their professional needs, and explain how attendance will support their current duties and future goals.

Please see the website for more details on eligibility, deadlines, and application materials. Applicants should note that the essay is the heart of the application and make a compelling case for attending the conference selected. The essay should describe what the applicant expects to learn, and how this knowledge will impact the work the applicant does with, or on behalf of, students, faculty, and other constituents.

Questions about the APA Librarian Conference Travel Award should be directed to librariantravel@apa.org. Please help us spread the word by sharing this information with any colleagues and friends who may be eligible!

Tour of APA Style CENTRAL Platform Updates

If you’re a student, educator, instructor, or researcher using APA Style CENTRAL, we invite you to watch a video tour of 15 APA Style CENTRAL updates to learn about recent additions designed to facilitate your work and save you time.

This 45-minute webinar recording includes demonstrations of five major updates released this past spring, including:

We also highlight 10 additional enhancements to the Learning, Research, and Writing Centers that we’ve made since APA Style CENTRAL launched in July 2016:

  • Improved Spell Check
  • Importing tables from Microsoft Word
  • Verify Information tool for importing references and tables
  • Tutorial sections in the Learning Center
  • Transcripts of Quick Guides and Tutorials
  • Importing references from RIS files into My References
  • Adding reference books in the Research Center to My References
  • Viewing reference types and sorting by Reference Type
  • Adding searchable notes to any saved reference
  • Exporting References from APA Style CENTRAL

New features and improvements in APA Style CENTRAL are often rooted in user feedback, and the product development team carefully considers any change suggested by our customers. Please let us know what you think of APA Style CENTRAL or if you have an idea for an enhancement that would help you!


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APA Convention Activities

Join Us for Presentations at the APA 2018 Convention in San Francisco!

We will be holding the following events

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Enjoy coffee each day from 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. and California craft beers and wine from 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. at the JARS BAR in booth #708. Attend a presentation to learn what’s new in:

Thursday, August 9

11:00 a.m.         Magination Press® – Learn what’s new in our growing family of children’s books!

4:00 p.m.            APA Style Journal Article Reporting Standards (JARS)

Friday, August 10

11:00 a.m.         What’s New with APA Databases

4:00 p.m.            Teaching with APA Style CENTRAL®

Saturday, August 11

11:00 a.m.         New Features and Functionality for APA Style CENTRAL

4:00 p.m.            Gift card winners announced*


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*Winners need not be present to win.


From the Deck of… ALA Annual 2018 Lunch & Learn

Welcome to “From the Deck of . . .” an irregular series in which we highlight search demos and other information from the slide decks we create for our live training sessions. You can view and download these materials from the PsycINFO SlideShare account.

At the ALA Annual meeting last month, we presented a Lunch & Learn training session covering a wide variety of updates to APA’s publishing program:

  • New Handbooks from APA
  • New Online Dictionary of Psychology
  • APA Librarian Travel Award Recipients
  • Magination Press Overview
  • APA Style JARS
  • What’s New With APA Style CENTRAL

We also spent some time providing thoughts on integrating PsycINFO into a systematic review including:

  • Reasons to add PsycINFO to your systematic review searching
  • Aligning APA thesaurus terms to your MeSH-based search strategy
  • Practical PsycINFO search tips for systematic reviews
  • Issues for reporting and replicability