New in PsycBOOKS: September 2015

In September 2015, APA added 5 new APA books and 11 landmark titles in psychology to PsycBOOKS. Past monthly update lists are available online. You can also view a list of sample titles or a full coverage list.

Bibliographic records are available through your PsycBOOKS vendor. You may also download RDA records directly from APA by following the instructions in the APA PsycNET Administrator Help Menu. Continue reading

Screenshot of slides from Beyond Subject Searching in PsycINFO

In Search of: Beyond Subject Searching in PsycINFO

APA’s training team provides a wide range of training options on an ongoing basis, including advanced webinars for librarians. This spring, we recorded these sessions and made them available on YouTube – a great option if you are unable to attend, want to share a session with colleagues, or find that the schedule doesn’t work for your time zone.

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Librarian's Resource Center

Back to School with APA Databases Training Materials

The influx of new faces and fresh perspectives that fall semester brings to an academic campus is refreshing – though it’s often hard to appreciate in the chaos of scheduling and managing requests for instruction and support.

In hopes that we can save you a little time as you prepare for instruction sessions that will require diving into PsycINFO and other APA Databases, this issue provides a quick overview of the training materials you’ll find in our Librarian’s Resource Center. You are welcome to embed, link, adapt, and modify these materials to meet the needs of your students, faculty, and others in need of research support.

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Meet Helen Hough, MLS, APA’s 2015 Recipient of the APA Excellence in Librarianship Award

Helen Hough

“I recommend to anybody—if you see a hole that could be filled—do it,” says Helen Hough, Systems Librarian for Open Source Applications, University of Texas at Arlington, and recipient of the 2015 APA Award for Excellence in Librarianship. That neatly sums up her approach to life and work, and most particularly, to her development of the Tests and Measures in the Social Sciences: Tests Available in Compilation Volumes database (TMdb).

For the few of you who may not have encountered it, the TMdb indexes tests and measures that have been published in books. Years ago, Helen found many of the students she worked with struggling as they tried to find tests they needed for research. To help them, she began going through books with tests on her own, indexing the location, and posting the information for them on the Internet. Once it was on the web, other librarians and students, similarly frustrated, found it and began to make use of it themselves. Continue reading