Frequently Asked Questions on APA Style CENTRAL

APA Style CENTRAL® is an authoritative resource developed by our Style Experts. It is a suite of services and tools designed to ease the pain points encountered by students, instructors and librarians in teaching, learning, and writing in APA Style. Online Introduction webinars are offered weekly, and are a great way to take a structured tour of all of the tools available in this revolutionary new resource.

Many attendees at these sessions – as well as those who are exploring APA Style CENTRAL on their own, through a free trial for their institution – have the same questions. We have gathered them into two sets of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). A General FAQ suitable for all users, including students and faculty, and an Administrative FAQ intended for librarians.

Screenshot of APA Style CENTRAL webpage with FAQs.

Both of these FAQs are available on the APA Style CENTRAL website. When reviewing these FAQs, don’t miss the extended versions! These are available as PDFs linked at the top of the webpage.

If your question isn’t answered in the FAQs, or if you’d like more details, please contact us at


One of our most frequently asked questions is one of the simplest to answer. The question? Are all the journals in PsycARTICLES® also indexed in PsycINFO®?

The answer is yes! All of the PsycARTICLES records are also in PsycINFO. That includes APA journals back to the first issue of publication (except for Rehabilitation Psychology, for which we begin coverage in 1972 at Volume 19), as well as records for the APA Educational Publishing Foundation, the Canadian Psychological Association, and Hogrefe Publishing Group, which also go back to the first issue in most cases.

Not only will you find the PsycARTICLES records in PsycINFO, you’ll also find records for all the content in PsycBOOKS® and PsycCRITIQUES®.