Kudos “Author’s Perspective” for APA PsycArticles® on APA PsycNet®

You may have noticed a section labeled “Author’s Perspective” appearing in an APA PsycArticles record on APA PsycNet. Authors of APA journal articles are encouraged to join Kudos to contribute their own plain-language explanation of the purpose and impact of their study. This first-hand summary appears on APA PsycNet along with the abstract and other publication details, allowing you to further evaluate the article’s relevance in the context of your own research.

What is Kudos?

The Kudos research communication platform allows an author to gather their publications in a single place, regardless of publisher. It’s designed to help researchers maximize the readership, citation, and application of their published work, and quantify its impact.

When an author of an APA journal article shares their own description of their paper’s significance in their Kudos profile, you’ll see an abbreviated version in the database record on APA PsycNet (view a sample APA PsycArticles record with Author’s Perspective summary). You’ll also see an external link to the author’s full statement on the Kudos site.

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Index term updates, special issues, and APA Style tips to share with your APA PsycArticles users.

This post covers new and updated terms available through APA’s Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms®, special issues accessible through your library, and helpful APA Style® tips to share with your APA PsycArticles users.

We will also highlight APA Journal editors who have contributed to the 2021 International Women’s Day theme, Women in Leadership: Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world.

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2021 E-Collections New Releases

New releases in the APA Books® E-Collections cover cognitive behavioral therapy, immigration in Central and South America, and researching everyday life.

The newest clinical title is a two-volume handbook exploring cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), a psychological treatment that focuses on shifting unhelpful thinking or behavior patterns to more adaptive thinking or behavior patterns.  The handbook provides the background of CBT in both historical and theoretical terms and covers applications of the treatment.

New academic titles include a book that addresses the urgent issues that face migrants throughout Central and South America, offering conceptual, theoretical, and methodological tools for understanding the psychological processes that underlie migration and intergroup contact.  Another book offers a step-by-step guide to researching what people do in their everyday lives.

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Support research discovery with customized updates from APA PsycInfo

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APA PsycInfo?

Please invite your researchers to a personalized service exclusively available to institutional subscribers of APA PsycInfo. This bespoke discovery service leverages AI-technology to help users locate scientific literature, including content outside of APA PsycInfo including preprints, dissertations, and conference information. As users engage with the content, the service will adapt to their preferences to ensure they remain up-to-date on their specific research interests.

We are happy to introduce this new premium benefit to complement your institution’s subscription to APA PsycInfo. Share the link below to encourage your users to register to enhance their access to authoritative and reliable results.

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New Titles Now Available in APA PsycBooks

New titles on social psychology and assessing trauma in children and adolescents are now available through your library as part of your institution’s APA PsycBooks subscription.


Acclaimed scholar Thomas Pettigrew’s compelling new release advocates for a robust contextual social psychology, maintaining that far more attention should be paid to the social context of various phenomena relevant in the world today. Also just released is the latest volume in APA’s Division 56 series Concise Guides on Trauma Care. This practical guide supports clinicians and other professionals working with children and adolescents exposed to trauma.

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