Redesigned APA Style CENTRAL Training & Support Home Page

The APA Style CENTRAL® Training & Support Home page has been redesigned to help you access our training materials more quickly and easily.

""We offer support in a variety of formats designed to help students, instructors, librarians, and administrators:

You can also subscribe to the APA Style CENTRAL email list (announcements only), and view the contact information for the APA Style CENTRAL Support team.

The right navigation rail enables quick access to all of these links within the APA Style CENTRAL support site in the “Training & Support” section. There is also an “APA Style® Information” section for easy access to additional APA Style resources.

Bookmark or link to the APA Style CENTRAL Training & Support home page in library websites, LibGuides, your course management system, or any other location where students, faculty, and researchers will find it.

If you have any questions about using APA Style CENTRAL, please email us or call (1-800-374-2722; TDD/TTY: 202-336-6123) — we’re here to help you!

New Features in APA Style CENTRAL®’s Writing Center – Spell-Check and Appendices

APA Style CENTRAL recently added and updated tools to help with your research and writing in APA Style, including improved spell-check and a new location for appendices.


You can Run Spell-Check Tool at any time to open a window where you choose to “ignore” or “change” words.

You can now also Check As I Write, which will underline misspelled words in red as you work.
Suggested words are provided if you click any underlined word. The spell-check includes words from the APA Dictionary of Psychology and surnames of famous psychologists, so these words will not be flagged as misspelled.



Appendices are now managed in a tab below the body of the paper. You can create an appendix, or call it out in the body, in the same way you would a reference, table, or figure.

Please note: Any appendices created in a paper’s body before February 2018 will be moved automatically to the Call Out Appendices tab.


You can read the full list of platform updates on APA Style CENTRAL’s training and support page.


Want to see more features added to APA Style CENTRAL?
Let us know!


Apply by 3/31 for the APA Librarian Conference Travel Award

There’s still time to get your application package together!

Do you work in an academic or health sciences library in the United States? Are you an early- or mid-career librarian? Are you looking for sources of funding for a conference you’d like to attend this spring?

If the answer to all of those questions is yes, please consider applying for an APA Librarian Conference Travel Award! Through March 31, 2018, we are accepting applications for conferences taking place from May to August 2018. This includes – but is not limited toLOEX 2018, the Medical Library Association Conference 2018, ALA Annual 2018, the ACRL Immersion Program and Teacher Tracks, and the APA Annual Convention.

The award is intended to help defray conference-related expenses for librarians with less than 15 years of experience after receiving their MLS/MLIS. Three cash awards are distributed three times each calendar year, and the application cycle opens and closes on a rolling basis. At this time, we are not limiting the conferences that are eligible for travel award funding. Applicants should identify the conference that best meets their professional needs, and explain how attendance will support their current duties and future goals.

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Webinar Alert: PsycINFO Sessions for Students & Faculty – March 14 -16, 2018

Our next series of PsycINFO® webinars for students and faculty will run on March 14, 15, 16 from 11 – 11:30 a.m. EST. The sessions may be attended separately, but we encourage those who are interested to take all three, so we offer them on consecutive days:

We will provide information relevant to all search platforms including APA PsycNET®, EBSCOhost, Ovid, and ProQuest. The platform demonstrated will be based on the needs of the attendees of each session. For more information on this series, including full descriptions, please visit our databases webinar training for students and faculty web page.

These webinars are an ideal way for students to get a refresher on PsycINFO if they have had a previous training session. Please help us spread the word to interested students and faculty!

Webinar Alert: APA Style CENTRAL® Trainings for March & April 2018

APA’s training specialists have developed several webinars for librarians, instructors, and students that include a content overview and a live demonstration of features.

Click on any session link below to register (all times are EDT).

APA Style CENTRAL Overview (60 minutes) introduces librarians, faculty, and students to the platform:

Teaching With APA Style CENTRAL (60 minutes) details how faculty, librarians, and other instructors can use APA Style CENTRAL in teaching APA Style:

Writing Papers in APA Style CENTRAL (30 minutes) teaches end users how to create and save papers using APA Style CENTRAL:

For more information, including the full training schedule, visit the APA Style CENTRAL webinars page.