Exhibits Update: IFLA World Library and Information Congress

IFLA 2016 LogoThe IFLA World Library and Information Congress will be held at the Greater Columbus Convention Center in Columbus, OH, from August 13-19, 2016. Look for representatives from the American Psychological Association in the exhibit hall at booth F118. Stop by to learn more about APA Style CENTRAL®, an exciting new electronic resource for APA Style® that launched in July, and get the latest updates about APA Journals, Books, and Databases.


Exhibit hours:

  • Sunday, August 14: 2:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. (Exhibition & Opening Party)
  • Monday, August 15: 9:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. (Lunch Break: 12:45 – 1:45 p.m.)
  • Tuesday, August 16: 9:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. (Lunch Break: 12:45 – 1:45 p.m.)
  • Wednesday, August 17: 9:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. (Lunch Break: 12:45 – 1:45 p.m.)

Webinar Alert: Additional Sessions for APA Style CENTRAL Online Introductions

Laptop displaying APA Style CENTRAL homepage

APA Style CENTRAL® is the newest member of the APA Style® family, and launched on July 11.

APA’s training specialists have developed a one-hour introductory session for librarians. This webinar includes a content overview and a live demonstration of features. (Please note that additional training on administrative features, as well as training geared toward students and other users, is currently in development.)

We recently added four additional sessions to the schedule for August and September, all on Wednesdays at 9:00 a.m. EDT (UTC -4).

To join the session on Wednesday, August 10, simply follow the link below a few minutes before the start time. There is no need to register in advance or log in for this session:

Click on any session below to register:

For more information, and to see the full schedule of webinars, visit the APA Style CENTRAL webinars page.

PsycARTICLES Expert Tip: What Journals Are Included?

PsycARTICLES®, our full-text database of articles published by APA and affiliated journals, is a rich resource of peer-reviewed articles dating back more than a century. Researchers can find the latest scholarship from across psychology and the behavioral sciences, and can also look back at the history and development of psychology.

But what’s in PsycARTICLES? As of today, the full-text of more than 100 journals is available, back to Volume 1, Issue 1 in most cases. One way to peruse the list of titles is to simply use the Browse menu on APA PsycNET, where you can choose to see the list alphabetically by title, or arranged by topic. (EBSCOhost, Ovid , and ProQuest offer a similar feature.)

Screenshot showing the Browse page for PsycARTICLES on APA PsycNET

Browsing PsycARTICLES on APA PsycNET.

The advantage of using the Browse function built into PsycARTICLES is that you can easily access individual issues of each journal, and from there the full-text of individual articles. However, we also have the full list on our website, where you can easily see the years of publication available, as well as the volumes. This can be helpful if you simply want to quickly check whether or not a particular publication is included.

Screenshot of PsycARTICLES coverage list from the APA website.

The full list of journals in PsycARTICLES is available on the APA website.


We also provide access to a document that details any name changes for journals covered in PsycARTICLES.

This information, and more, can be found on the PsycARTICLES Coverage Information webpage. You can find coverage information for our other databases in the Search Help and Training Center.

In Case You Missed It: New Terms Added to the PsycINFO Thesaurus

In November 2015, we released an update to The Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms, the source of the controlled vocabulary used in indexing PsycINFO® and the other APA databases. This particular update was significantly larger than previous vocabulary updates, containing 227 new Index Terms.

In December, we shared the details of the update, highlighting some of the new terms and other changes that were incorporated. We also provided a document with the full list of Index Terms included in the update.

Did you miss that post? Take a look! It explains several important points about the new terminology, including a change to the language used to tag research on Autism Spectrum Disorders.

Related Resources

Changes to the Thesaurus sometimes impact search alerts and saved searches. For example, when a new term replaces an older term, saved searches and search alerts created with the older term will no longer generate updates. In this update, 5 terms were changed such that any saved searches or search alerts that use them will no longer retrieve the desired results.

Here are the terms that were changed, along with the new Index Terms that have taken their places:

Terms that are now Use references New Index Terms to search
Aspergers Syndrome
Pervasive Developmental Disorders
Autism Spectrum Disorders
Complications (Disorders) Sequelae
Q Sort Testing Technique Q-Sort


For assistance in updating your search alerts, please see our post PsycINFO Expert Tip: Updating Search Alerts When a Thesaurus Term Changes.

Webinar Alert: APA Style CENTRAL Online Introductions

Laptop displaying APA Style CENTRAL homepage

APA Style CENTRAL® is the newest member of the APA Style® family, and launched on July 11.

APA’s training specialists have developed a one-hour introductory session for librarians. This webinar includes a content overview and a live demonstration of features. (Please note that additional training on administrative features, as well as training geared toward students and other users, is currently in development.)

There are eight sessions scheduled for August. Click on any session below to register (all times are EDT/UTC -4):

For more information, and to see the full schedule through September, visit the APA Style CENTRAL webinars page.

7/29/16: Edited to add two additional sessions and clarify time zone.