
Welcome to the APA Databases & Electronic Resources Blog. Here you’ll find all of the news and information you’ve come to expect from our newsletter, PsycINFO News, which we have retired with Volume 34, Issue 3.

You can keep up with this blog in several ways. Pull the RSS feed into your favorite reader, subscribe via email (see the sidebar for both of these options), or keep an eye out for an occasional digest sent to the PsycINFO Listserv.

Those of you who are loyal readers of the newsletter may wonder why we’ve chosen to retire it. Over the last few years, we often found the newsletter format did give not give us the flexibility to make a time-sensitive announcement. There were issues where we had more content than we were able to use – and issues where we only had one or two items. And because we haven’t produced a print version of the newsletter in several years, it began to seem less necessary to confine our communications to a print-based production schedule. And of course, once the PsycINFO News became web-based, using a PDF format became less relevant for delivery in the digital age.

And so, here we are, introducing the APA Databases & Electronic Resources Blog. You’ll find the usual announcements from PsycINFO News: online and in-person training opportunities, new or updated training materials, and new features in APA Databases. Blog posts will also highlight new journals and include the monthly list of books added to PsycBOOKS. And that’s not all – the blog will allow us to expand on what we covered in PsycINFO News, and we have a long list of ideas for posts, occasional features, irregular series, and more.

Questions, comments, or suggestions? Join the conversation! You can comment below, or send a note to us directly at psycinfo@apa.org.


One of our most frequently asked questions is one of the simplest to answer. The question? Are all the journals in PsycARTICLES® also indexed in PsycINFO®?

The answer is yes! All of the PsycARTICLES records are also in PsycINFO. That includes APA journals back to the first issue of publication (except for Rehabilitation Psychology, for which we begin coverage in 1972 at Volume 19), as well as records for the APA Educational Publishing Foundation, the Canadian Psychological Association, and Hogrefe Publishing Group, which also go back to the first issue in most cases.

Not only will you find the PsycARTICLES records in PsycINFO, you’ll also find records for all the content in PsycBOOKS® and PsycCRITIQUES®.

What’s New in PsycTESTS®?

PsycTESTS® celebrated its third anniversary in November 2014, and researchers of all kinds have now had ample time to use the database and provide us with feedback. In response to that feedback, we’ve enhanced it with a number of new features you suggested in a recent reload (or major update) of the database. We think you’ll be pleased with the results!

Let’s take a look at several of the newly available search features that will streamline finding tests and ancillary information that is essential to test research.
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