2021 E-Collections New Releases

New releases in the APA Books® E-Collections cover cognitive behavioral therapy, immigration in Central and South America, and researching everyday life.

The newest clinical title is a two-volume handbook exploring cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), a psychological treatment that focuses on shifting unhelpful thinking or behavior patterns to more adaptive thinking or behavior patterns.  The handbook provides the background of CBT in both historical and theoretical terms and covers applications of the treatment.

New academic titles include a book that addresses the urgent issues that face migrants throughout Central and South America, offering conceptual, theoretical, and methodological tools for understanding the psychological processes that underlie migration and intergroup contact.  Another book offers a step-by-step guide to researching what people do in their everyday lives.

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APA PsycBooks Newly Released Titles

The July and August releases cover subjects related to research and therapies for diversity and social justice issues, patients living with chronic disease, early childhood education intervention, cognitive neuroscience, and clinical guidelines for the treatment of PTSD.

The new releases featured below include books aimed to help students, faculty, and researchers in their studies related to PTSD, trauma, trauma recovery, and alternative treatments of PTSD. Please share this list along with any complimentary titles or resources available through your library.

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Psychological Test Adaptation and Development (PTAD) added to APA PsycArticles

Inaugural Editor-in-Chief: Matthias Ziegler

We are pleased to announce the addition of Psychological Test Adaptation and Development (PTAD) to APA PsycArticles®. PTAD, the official open-access journal of the European Association of Psychological Assessment, is the first open-access, peer-reviewed journal publishing papers on adaptations of tests to specific cultural needs, test translations, and the development of existing measures. The journal will focus on the empirical testing of the psychometric quality of these measures.

PTAD is published by the Hogrefe Publishing Group, and its content is now available in APA PsycArticles. APA PsycArticles is the only collection with 119 journals from the APA, the Hogrefe Publishing Group, the Canadian Psychological Association, and more of the leading publishers in psychology.

For more information, please contact psycdatabases@apa.org.

APA PsycArticles to add Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice to its portfolio of journals

Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice coming soon to APA PsycArticles®

Editor-in-Chief: Arthur M. Nezu, PhD, DHL, ABPP
ISSN: 0969-5893
eISSN: 1468-2850

APA is pleased to announce the addition of Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice (CP:SP) to APA PsycArticles® beginning with volume 28, Issue 1 in January 2021. CP:SP is currently published by Wiley and will transition to APA in 2021. All back issues will be fully available on APA PsycArticles.

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