Explore Journal and Analyze & Filter


It’s Tutorial Thursday! In this series, we explore APA’s library of video tutorials available on the APA Publishing Training YouTube channel. Please feel free to link to or embed our videos in your library websites or LibGuides, course management systems, or other locations where students, faculty, and researchers will find them.

Explore Journal and Analyze & Filter are two of the many tools within APA PsycInfo® research services, a suite of complimentary, premium features available as part of your institution’s APA PsycInfo  subscription. These features leverage artificial intelligence to personalize your users’ path for searching, exploring, and analyzing the latest psychology research.

The Explore Journal feature equips researchers with tools to dive deep into a journal of interest and evaluate everything from its top-cited articles and topical coverage, to pinpointing the chronology of an author’s articles.

The Analyze & Filter feature allows researchers to confirm a journal’s or author’s most prevalent methodologies, track changes to those statistics over time by adjusting the publication dates filter, or combine filters for their unique parameters.

Related Resource:

APA PsycInfo Research Services: Your AI-Powered Research Assistant

Using APA PsycTests with APA PsycArticles

It’s Tutorial Thursday! In this series, we explore APA’s library of video tutorials available on the APA Publishing Training YouTube channel. Please feel free to link to or embed our videos in your library websites or LibGuides, course management systems, or other locations where students, faculty, and researchers will find them.

APA PsycTests is a collection of descriptive records of psychological tests and measures for the social and behavioral sciences that also integrates seamlessly with APA PsycArticles.

By tagging 30 metadata fields, including reliability, validity, constructs, and usage permissions of over 75,000 measures, APA PsycTests:

  • Eases the burden on researchers to create new tests from scratch.
  • Provides instructors with essential psychometrics examples.
  • Gives students more insight into tests found during their APA PsycArticles research.

Watch this short demonstration of Using APA PsycTests with APA PsycArticles to streamline your research workflow. Our video includes three example searches for how students, instructors, and advanced researchers may use APA PsycTests. 

Related Resources: 

APA PsycTests – Top Features to Know 

Getting Started with APA PsycTests: Search Smarter, Not Harder 

Using APA PsycTests with APA PsycInfo

Peer-Reviewed Empirical Articles


It’s Tutorial Thursday! In this series, we explore APA’s library of video tutorials available on the APA Publishing Training YouTube channel. Please feel free to link to or embed our videos in your library websites or LibGuides, course management systems, or other locations where students, faculty, and researchers will find them.

The first video, Finding High Quality Original Research in APA PsycInfo, is an introduction for all platforms that explains what an empirical study is and what it means for a study to be published in a peer-reviewed journal.

The second video demonstrates how to quickly and easily find peer-reviewed empirical articles using the filters in APA PsycInfo. 

Select the video for the platform or website that hosts APA PsycInfo at your institution. 

By the end of this 2-part tutorial you will be able to:

  • Explain what it means for an article to be considered an empirical study.
  • Describe the process that an article goes through to be published in a peer-reviewed journal.
  • Use the filters in APA PsycInfo to access empirical studies from peer-reviewed journals.
  • Determine if an article found in APA PsycInfo is an empirical study from a peer-reviewed journal.

APA PsycInfo research services – Feature Spotlight #2

top features polaris apa psycinfo research services

Join us for a live training session on maximizing your institutional access to APA PsycInfo with personalized tools designed to enhance discovery of the latest psychology research.

Register for October 8, 2024, 1:00 p.m. EST 

APA database experts will demonstrate how to use various features included in APA PsycInfo research services, including:

  • Author Mapper – Gives a quick visual snapshot of an author’s publishing activity. Author Mapper displays the co-authors of a selected researcher, as well as how many publications each pair has co-authored, how many total publications each researcher has indexed in APA PsycInfo, and the number of citations they’ve received. 
  • Topic Mapper –  Built specifically for discovery and exploration, Topic Mapper visualizes the connections between your research topics of interest, identifies top-cited articles for each, lists term definitions and historical notes, and more.
  • Discover Dissertations – View, analyze and filter a collection of Dissertations based on research topic, author, publication year, most viewed, and relevance to your research interests. Find top dissertations from your email notifications (if you subscribe), trending publications on your topics of interest, as well as AI-generated suggestions for new literature that you may be interested in.

Can’t attend this one? 

  • Register to receive a recording link shortly after the live event
  • Bookmark our Webinar Training Schedule page with training descriptions and registration links for future sessions
  • Subscribe to this blog to hear about future trainings and other updates from APA Publishing 

Related Resources

YouTube Playlist: PsycInfo Research Services (webinars and tutorials): 

APA Website: Learn More about PsycInfo Research Services (free with your institutional access to APA PsycInfo)

Blog Post: APA PsycInfo Research Services: Your AI-Powered Research Assistant 

Using the APA Thesaurus to Find Relevant Articles on a Topic


It’s Tutorial Thursday! In this series, we explore APA’s library of video tutorials available on the APA Publishing Training YouTube channel. Please feel free to link to or embed our videos in your library websites or LibGuides, course management systems, or other locations where students, faculty, and researchers will find them.

APA thesaurus terms, also called index terms, are controlled vocabulary used in database records to make searching easier and more successful. By standardizing the words or phrases used to represent concepts, you don’t need to try and figure out all the ways different authors could refer to the same concept.

The first video, Building a Search with the APA Thesaurus and Index Terms, is an introduction for all platforms that shows what the thesaurus is, why it is a valuable search tool, and what to do if you can’t find a thesaurus term to fit your research concept. 

The second video demonstrates how to use thesaurus terms in an APA PsycInfo search to find relevant articles on a topic, and how to revise a search to include additional thesaurus terms. 

Select the video for the platform or website that hosts APA PsycInfo at your institution. 

Learn more about the APA Thesaurus on our website