Rosalinda Linares Receives a 2019 APA Librarian Conference Travel Award

We are pleased to announce that Rosalinda Linares, Information Literacy Librarian at Fort Lewis College, was recently selected to receive an APA Librarian Conference Travel Award. Ms. Linares will use the award to attend the annual meeting of the Critical Librarianship and Pedagogy Symposium in Arizona in March.

The award selection committee noted that Ms. Linares’ application demonstrated a clear commitment to critical pedagogy, especially in her approaches to teaching information literacy concepts to students in the behavioral sciences. It also noted her efforts to glean insights that facilitate revising the library instruction program’s learning outcomes; challenging deficit-based approaches to the assessment of learning in library instruction; and starting justice-oriented conversations in the library and on campus.

Thank you to all who took time to apply – librarians working in a wide variety of institutions and positions. The applicant pool is always strong, and the committee encourages previous applicants to apply again when they are next in need of conference funding.

The next award cycle is currently underway! Is there a conference happening sometime between May and August 2020 you’d like to attend for professional development as an academic or health sciences librarian? Please visit our website for details on eligibility, required application materials, and rolling deadlines. Current deadline: March 31, 2020.

New in PsycBOOKS: Jan – Dec 2019

APA added 41 new titles to PsycBOOKS® in 2019, grouped by release month below.

Bibliographic records are available through your PsycBOOKS vendor. You may also download RDA records directly from APA by following the instructions in the APA PsycNET® Administrator Help Menu.

View the previous monthly PsycBOOKS update listsa list of sample PsycBOOKS titles, and the full coverage list for PsycBOOKS.

APA PsycTests Expert Tip: Finding Supporting Documentation

APA PsycTests An unparalleled resource for psychological tests and measures

APA PsycTests® is APA’s database that provides descriptive summaries, full text, and relevant citations on the development and assessment of tests and measures that can be used in research and teaching.

Every APA PsycTests record includes a test profile with dozens of descriptive fields such as test name, summary, construct measured, permission, and reliability.

The full-text test can be found as a linked PDF in about half of APA PsycTests records.

Some APA PsycTests records also include an additional link for supporting documentation.

These are a few of the types of Supporting Documentation that can help you administer a test or analyze the data gathered:

  • Answer Sheet
  • Directions/Instructions
  • Instructor/Test Manual/Guide
  • Norms/Analyses

When searching APA PsycTests on its own, you will see an option on the advanced search page to limit your results to a particular type of Supporting Documentation.

When the original test author and publisher have granted APA permission, the supporting documentation will be included with the full text of the test as part of the APA PsycTests record.

If you have questions about supporting documentation that aren’t answered in the test record, you can always:

  • check the Correspondence field for author contact information or
  • check the Source Used field for a doi link to the original full-text publication that developed the test.

The screenshots above show how these fields appear in the APA PsycNET version of APA PsycTests.  

You can see how this looks on EBSCOhost, Ovid, or ProQuest in this step-by-step guide.

Getting Started with APA PsycTests: What Is It, and How Can It Help Me?

APA PsycTests An unparalleled resource for psychological tests and measures

This is the first post in a short series for anyone wanting to become familiar with APA PsycTests®. Today we’ll cover what you’ll find in APA PsycTests, how to begin your search for a test, and resources to learn more about searching APA PsycTests. 

Are you looking for a test to use in your research, or planning to develop your own? We have a database that can help!

APA PsycTests provides detailed information about the use of thousands of tests, scales, and measures reported in the behavioral sciences literature. Designed to connect researchers, students, educators, librarians, and practitioners with assessment tools, APA PsycTests is an ideal starting point for a new research project, helping you to avoid “reinventing the wheel” as you’re considering your metrics.

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Apply by Nov. 30: APA Librarian Conference Travel Award

If you’re an early- or mid-career academic or health sciences librarian who’s planning to attend a conference next spring, there’s still time apply for the APA Librarian Conference Travel Award!

Now through November 30, 2019, we are accepting applications for conferences taking place from January to April 2020. This includes – but is not limited to – the National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology, ALA Midwinter, Electronic Resources & Libraries, Code4Lib, and the Annual Conference on the First Year Experience.

The award is intended to help offset conference-related expenses for librarians with less than 15 years of experience after receiving their MLS or MLIS degree. One cash award is distributed three times each calendar year, and the application cycle opens and closes on a rolling basis.

At this time, we are not limiting the conferences that are eligible for travel award funding. Applicants should identify the conference that best meets their professional needs and explain how attendance will support their current duties and future goals.

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