Tutorial Thursday: How to Format a Citation in APA Style on EBSCOhost

It’s Tutorial Thursday! In this series, we explore APA’s library of video tutorials available on the PsycINFO YouTube channel and the APA Style CENTRAL® YouTube channel. Please feel free to link to or embed our videos in your library websites or LibGuides, course management systems, or other locations where students, faculty, and researchers will find them.

We recently updated one of our most-viewed videos: How to Format a Citation in APA Style® on EBSCOhost.

Screenshot of How to Format a Citation in EBSCOhost tutorial title screen.

This brief video demonstrates how to export APA Style citations from PsycINFO® (or any other database) on the EBSCOhost platform.

This is a great resource to link from a LibGuide or course module for any class working with APA Databases on EBSCOhost, and can be helpful in answering email or chat reference questions. The previous version of this tutorial will remain available, but if you have embedded or linked to it anywhere, we encourage you to update your materials to link to this new version.

Related Resources:

APA Style CENTRAL – Adding References to Papers

Today we’d like to highlight one of our APA Style CENTRAL handouts, “APA Style CENTRAL® Adding References to Papers” (PDF, 437K). Please feel free to link to this handout where students, faculty, and researchers will find it!

APA Style CENTRAL provides each user with a personal digital library of “My References” for saving references to cite in their papers. The APA Style CENTRAL “Adding References to Papers” handout outlines the process of adding references to your digital library, using My References to build a specific paper’s reference list, and easily creating in-text citations.

Details include:

  • The three (3) ways of adding references to your library: Searching PsycINFO, RIS import, and using one of more than 80 reference templates to ensure a properly formatted reference;
  • The Paper Reference List functionality for managing a paper’s unique reference list; and
  • Using the Find and Cite Reference tool to create properly formatted cited references.

Want to learn more? You’ll find this handout on our APA Style CENTRAL® Handouts and Guides page, where we will continue to add handouts and documentation for users and administrators as they become available.

Do you have a “how-to” question about APA Style CENTRAL or some aspect of it you’d like to know more about? Please let us know!

APA PsycInfo Expert Tip: Online First Publications

What is an Online First Publication?

Online First Publication, also called OFP or First Posting, is a publication status that you may see for journal articles in the APA PsycArticles® database. It means that an article has been published online ahead of its journal issue. You can think of it like an artist’s single that premiers ahead of the full album.

How does this early publishing work?

Most scholarly journals release new issues once every month or once every quarter. When an article has been accepted for publication, and the author and publisher have completed any needed edits or corrections to the manuscript, it is assigned to an issue. But it may be months before that issue is published. In order to make the research available sooner, a “First Posting” version of the article is added to APA PsycArticles. It will reach “full publication” status between 1 month and 1 year later, when the issue is published.

What if something changes between the OFP’s release and the full publication?

Any record, OFP or not, can be corrected and have a replacement version released in APA PsycArticles. These corrected records are added twice weekly, at the same time as new records.

Continue reading

APA Sunrise Seminar at MLA 2017

Medical Library Association 2017 Conference LogoDo you dream of putting even more power at your researchers’ fingertips when they’re searching PsycINFO®? Or for your students to focus less on paper formatting and more on their writing? Then dare to join APA for our Sunrise Seminar. You’ll be able to do it all!

American Psychological Association Sunrise Seminar
Monday, May 29, 2017
7:00 – 8:45 a.m.
Washington State Convention Center Room 604
Breakfast will be provided – please RSVP so there’s enough to go around.

We’ll begin with a thorough review of several new fields that were recently added to PsycINFO. Of particular interest to health sciences researchers are the inclusion of MeSH terms, Data Sets, NLM Journal Title Abbreviations, new limiters, and more.

Next, we’ll explore APA Style CENTRAL®, our new resource for teaching, learning, and writing in APA Style®. After a quick overview, we’ll look at the tools and services in APA Style CENTRAL from faculty, student, and academic support perspectives, suggesting possible opportunities for partnership and collaboration across campus.

We hope to see you there! Please RSVP and let us know you’re attending. Can’t attend? Drop by Booth #622 for information and updates.

Webinar Alert: APA Style CENTRAL® Trainings for May 2017

APA Style CENTRAL® is the newest member of the APA Style® family, launched in July 2016.

APA’s training specialists have developed several webinars for librarians, instructors, and students that include content overview and a live demonstration of features.

Click on any session link to register (all times are EDT).

The Online Introduction introduces librarians to the platform:

Teaching with APA Style CENTRAL details how faculty, librarians, and other instructors can use APA Style CENTRAL in teaching APA Style:

Writing Papers in APA Style CENTRAL teaches end users how to create and save papers using APA Style CENTRAL:

For more information, and to see the full schedule, visit the APA Style CENTRAL webinars page.