How Permissions Work in PsycTESTS

PsycTESTS® is a research database that provides information on tests that originated in the scholarly literature. Tests are mined from the journals currently covered in the PsycINFO database.

PsycTESTS records include citations and links to articles that discuss the development of the test and how it can be used. Each PsycTESTS record includes a Permissions field with information about how the test can be used in your research or clinical work.

Currently, over 24,000 PsycTESTS records (almost 60%) grant the permission “May use for Research / Teaching.”

The test PDF has a cover sheet with a longer description of Research / Teaching use:

Test content may be reproduced and used for non-commercial research and educational purposes without seeking written permission. Distribution must be controlled, meaning only to the participants engaged in the research or enrolled in the educational activity. Any other type of reproduction or distribution of test content is not authorized without written permission from the author and publisher. Always include a credit line that contains the source citation and copyright owner when writing about or using any test.

Examples of permitted use include:

  • Using the test for educational purposes, for example in a school project
  • Publishing the results of research using the test, as well as the test itself, with a copyright notice giving credit to the original test authors
  • General use in a clinical setting

Examples of nonpermitted use include:

  • Posting the test online
  • Implying or stating that the test is your original work
  • Publishing the test or selling the test to a commercial publisher
  • Using the test in research intended to support commercial gain

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Tutorial Thursday: Teaching With APA Style CENTRAL

It’s Tutorial Thursday! In this series, we explore APA’s extensive library of video tutorials, available on YouTube. Please feel free to link or embed videos or playlists in library websites or LibGuides, course management systems, or other locations where students, faculty, and researchers will find them.

For today’s edition of Tutorial Thursday, we’d like to share a recording of one of our APA Style CENTRAL® webinars: Teaching With APA Style CENTRAL. You’ll find this recording on our new APA Style CENTRAL YouTube Channel, where we plan to add recordings of our other webinars, and other materials as they become available.

Still from the recording of the Teaching with APA Style CENTRAL webinar.

This session is geared at faculty members, librarians, instructors, and others who are responsible for teaching APA Style, and covers the content, features, and tools of APA Style CENTRAL that can be incorporated into course and bibliographic instruction. This includes a brief discussion of integrating APA Style CENTRAL into a learning management system, as well as an overview of how to use the Research Lab Book tools with a class or advisee.

We will be offering additional, live sessions of this webinar again early in 2017. When the schedule is ready, we will post the details here and on our website.

APA Librarian Conference Travel Award: Reflections on the Library Assessment Conference

The most recent recipient of the APA Librarian Conference Travel Award, Stacey Smith from The Chicago School of Professional Psychology, used the award to defray the cost of attendance at the Library Assessment Conference earlier this fall. Alison Cody, assistant manager of APA’s Databases & Electronic Resources Customer Relations group, recently talked with her to get her impressions of the conference. The following transcript of our conversation has been lightly edited for clarity and context.

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APA Style CENTRAL – Accessing the Publication Manual

APA Style CENTRAL® incorporates all of the references and content from the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, currently in its sixth edition. When future editions of the Publication Manual are released, APA Style CENTRAL will also be updated with the new rules and features.

Within APA Style CENTRAL’s Learning Center, each of the quick guides, or short training videos, is linked to one or more sections from the Publication Manual that cover the same topic.

You can find the link to the Publication Manual in the Learn More feature for each quick guide.



The Publication Manual section with related content opens in a new window or tab (depending on your browser settings):




For more information, see our Handout about APA Style CENTRAL and the Publication Manual.

New in PsycBOOKS: November 2016

In November 2016, APA added 4 new APA books to PsycBOOKS®:

Bibliographic records are available through your PsycBOOKS vendor. You may also download RDA records directly from APA by following the instructions in the APA PsycNET® Administrator Help Menu.

View the past monthly PsycBOOKS update lists, a list of sample PsycBOOKS titles, and the full coverage list for PsycBOOKS.