Practice Innovations: A New Journal from APA

Three new journals will be added to PsycARTICLES® over the course of 2016. We will provide updates on their availability throughout the year. More information about APA’s journals, including special issues, is available on our website.

Cover image of Practice InnovationsVolume 1, Issue 1 of Practice Innovations, a new publication from APA Journals, is now available. Readers can access this issue electronically via PsycARTICLES®.

The journal, which is the official publication of APA Division 42: Psychologists in Independent Practice, publishes papers on the standards, practices, and methods of professional mental health practice, and is cross-disciplinary with a multi-theoretical scope. Its first issue includes articles on tele-mental health and using principles of sketch comedy in practice.

PsycARTICLES users on APA PsycNET® (including subscribers to APA PsycNET Gold, Gold Plus, and Platinum), EBSCOhost, Ovid and ProQuest can review the first issue by browsing PsycARTICLES or by performing a title search for the journal.

Related Resources:

Learn more about Practice Innovations, including manuscript submission policies and information about subscribing in print.

New Videos Added to PsycTHERAPY

In April, we added 36 new videos to PsycTHERAPY®, our database of streaming psychotherapy videos. This collection allows users to observe psychotherapy techniques as they are put into practice by master practitioners. It now includes 431 videos, in which 245 different presenting issues are discussed.

Still from a PsycTHERAPY video: Dr. Candice M. Monson leads a couples therapy session.

Dr. Candice M. Monson leads a couples therapy session.

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APA Sunrise Seminar at Mosaic ’16 you need to brush up your search skills in the behavioral aspect of health and medicine? Do you find yourself answering an increasing number of questions about APA Style®? Come to the American Psychological Association’s Sunrise Seminar at Mosaic ’16 (the joint meeting of the Medical Library Association, the Canadian Health Libraries Association, and the International Clinical Librarian Conference) and leave with some new tricks to keep up your sleeve!

American Psychological Association Sunrise Seminar
Monday, May 16, 2016
7:00 – 8:45 a.m.
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Room 202D

Breakfast will be provided – please RSVP so there’s enough to go around.

Live searches on APA databases will review our December 2015 update to the PsycINFO® Thesaurus, and look at some new publications that can support clinical research and practice. Search demos and additional updates will focus on topics relevant to clinical practice, patient education, and health sciences research.

This presentation will also include a sneak peek at APA Style® CENTRAL, a new online resource to learn, research, write and publish in APA Style. You’ll get a look at the learning objects created by our Style Experts, as well as its robust online editor, which has been designed to help students, and others, apply the rules of APA Style while they write. And of course, we’ll also see how APA Style CENTRAL supports users in creating properly formatted APA Style references!

We hope to see you there! If you won’t be at Mosaic ’16, we’ll be reprising this session as a webinar the week after the conference. Visit our webinars schedule to learn more.

PsycINFO Expert Tip: Finding the Tests in PsycINFO

Have you ever needed to find a psychological test? It can be a surprisingly difficult task! Many of the tests you may know by name, such as the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale or the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, are commercial tests. This means those who are interested in using them must pay a fee, and may also need to meet other criteria. If you’re a student who needs a test to review for a class, or if you’re researching how to create an effective psychological measure, you’ll need to find non-commercial tests.

You can, of course, find these types of tests in PsycTESTS®, our database of psychological tests and measures. This database contains information about, and excerpts from, more than 34,000 tests in the behavioral sciences. But what if you don’t have access to PsycTESTS?

Try PsycINFO®! You probably know PsycINFO as a database of journal articles from publishers around the world. PsycINFO doesn’t contain any full-text, but each article included is represented by a record, which has been extensively tagged by APA’s indexers. This information allows you to assess how useful the article may be before you try to find the full text. Continue reading

New in PsycBOOKS: March 2016

In March 2016, APA added 4 new APA books and 1 landmark title in psychology to PsycBOOKS®. Past monthly update lists are available online. You can also view a list of sample titles or a full coverage list.

Bibliographic records are available through your PsycBOOKS vendor. You may also download RDA records directly from APA by following the instructions in the APA PsycNET® Administrator Help Menu. Continue reading