New Videos Added to APA PsycTherapy (Spring 2025)

APA PsycTherapy: Streaming demonstration videos for teaching and learning psychotherapy techniques


On March 20, we added 10 new videos to APA PsycTherapy, our streaming video database designed to meet the teaching and training needs of psychotherapy students and practitioners. Each APA PsycTherapy video is recorded during an unscripted session to provide an authentic example of psychotherapy conducted by an expert clinician.

A few of the videos are highlighted below, followed by a list of remaining new sessions rounding out this release. If you’re a subscriber, use the linked video titles to view the content on APA PsycTherapy!

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New Videos Added to APA PsycTherapy (Summer 2024)

On August 15, APA PsycTherapy® was updated with 11 new videos covering a variety of clinical approaches and therapy topics.

In Strengths and Flourishing in Psychotherapy, Steven J. Sandage leads the discussion of how to incorporate strengths-based interventions into a variety of clinical approaches based on four therapists’ demonstrations.

The Basics of Group Therapy with Cheri L. Marmarosh expertly demonstrates the group formation process, including the importance of rapport building, expectation setting, and collaboration within group co-leadership.

Keith Dobson’s skilled demonstration of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) in multiple contexts is featured in the following videos:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Exploring Self and Relationships

Jessica Borelli’s pioneering form of an attachment-based technique known as “relational savoring” can be incorporated into many therapeutic approaches, helping the client to focus on elements of joy in a key relationship (e.g., child, spouse, partner) as a pathway to enhanced well-being and mental health:

  • Relational Savoring (includes discussion of theoretical underpinnings and evidence base)
  • Relational Savoring With a Parent of a Young Child

Louis Hoffman’s expertise in existentialhumanistic therapy is featured in a variety of clinical scenarios:

  • Existential–Humanistic Case Formulation (includes discussion of theoretical underpinnings and evidence base)
  • Exploring Caregiver Burden Through an Existential–Humanistic Therapy Lens
  • Existential–Humanistic Therapy With a Client Struggling With Perfectionism

Jonathan Raskin’s videos on constructivist therapy demonstrate how to proficiently guide clients toward reconceptualizing a problem in meaningful and life-enhancing ways through different forms of self-expression:

  • Constructive Therapy in Practice (includes discussion of underlying philosophy, evidence base, and practical applications of constructivist therapy)
  • Constructive Therapy With a Client Navigating Procrastination

APA PsycTherapy currently includes 959 videos demonstrating 170+ approaches in service of 360+ topics. Each year, a total of 15-25 new videos are added to APA PsycTherapy, showcasing the latest examples and emerging best practices from clinical psychology.

Related Resources

New Terms & Other Updates to the Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms®

We recently released an update to the Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms. The Thesaurus provides precise and consistent terminology for searching all APA research databases. We added 305 new “preferred” Index Terms and approximately 70 new non-postable or “use” references*.

Each item in the APA databases – journal articles, books and book chapters, dissertations, and more – is represented by a record that is indexed, or tagged, with Index Terms from the Thesaurus. The use of a controlled vocabulary allows someone searching a database to quickly find all items about a specific concept — such as Animal Behavior, Marginalized Groups, or Prescription Drug Misuse — no matter what terminology or keywords the authors used. 

Reflecting emerging areas, technologies, and social issues as well as changing nomenclature, this updated vocabulary will provide users with more targeted and efficient search and discovery. Additionally, we added new terminology in the expanding areas of psychological assessment, psychometrics, and research methods. You can view more details on our web page, What’s New in the 2019 Update, including a link to the full list of new and updated Index Terms (PDF, 135KB).

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Introducing New Features in PsycINFO: Starting Your Research on Ovid

In August, PsycINFO® added new fields and features to help researchers like you search with greater precision and to include more information right in the record.

Because of the interlinking of APA’s products, PsycARTICLES, PsycBOOKS, and PsycCRITIQUES also include these updates.

Four of the new fields are particularly useful as you begin a research project or assignment. They can help you quickly narrow down search results and spot more information about the topic and why it is important.

  • Impact Statement – A summary like an abstract, but instead of describing the technical process, it explains the relevance of the research to the general public. This can help to justify a research project, especially if you are applying for a grant.
  • Open Access – A flag on the record indicates that the fulltext is available through open access. This provides access to resources beyond PsycINFO.
  • Data Sets – A description of the data set is provided, as well as links for access or download when available. Looking at the data yourself enables you to better understand the research conducted in the published study, and to identify your own project that builds on this previous work.
  • Dissertation Details – Advisor(s), Degree, Institution and Department are included in the PsycINFO record. This helps you to find leaders in evolving areas of research, or note other disciplines that are working on similar topics.

Check out our SlideShare presentation for a guide on using these new fields on Ovid.


Introducing New Features in PsycINFO: Starting Your Research on EBSCOhost

In August, PsycINFO® added new fields and features to help researchers like you search with greater precision and to include more information right in the record.

Because of the interlinking of APA’s products, PsycARTICLES®, PsycBOOKS®, and PsycCRITIQUES® also include these updates.

Four of the new fields are particularly useful as you begin a research project or assignment. They can help you quickly narrow down search results and spot more information about the topic and why it is important.

  • Impact Statement – A summary like an abstract, but instead of describing the technical process, it explains the relevance of the research to the general public. This can help to justify a research project, especially if you are applying for a grant.
  • Open Access – A flag on the record indicates that the fulltext is available through open access. This provides access to resources beyond PsycINFO.
  • Data Sets – A description of the data set is provided, as well as links for access or download when available. Looking at the data yourself enables you to better understand the research conducted in the published study, and to identify your own project that builds on this previous work.
  • Dissertation Details – Advisor(s), Degree, Institution and Department are included in the PsycINFO record. This helps you to find leaders in evolving areas of research, or note other disciplines that are working on similar topics.

Check out our SlideShare presentation for a guide on using these new fields on EBSCOhost.



If you access PsycINFO through a different database platform, you can check the Vendor Status page to see when these new features will go live.