Webinar Alert: PsycINFO Sessions for Students & Faculty April 13-15

Our next series of PsycINFO® webinars for students and faculty will run on April 13, 14, and 15 from 11 – 11:30 a.m. (EDT). The sessions may be taken separately, but we encourage those who are interested to take all three, and offer them on consecutive days:

We will provide information relevant to all search platforms including APA PsycNET, EBSCOhost, Ovid, and ProQuest. The platform used will be based on the needs of the attendees of each session. For more information on this series, including full descriptions, please visit our website.

These webinars are an ideal way for students to get a refresher on PsycINFO if they have had training earlier in the semester. Please help us spread the word to interested students and faculty!

Webinar Alert: PsycINFO Sessions for Students & Faculty March 23 – 25

Our next series of PsycINFO® webinars for students and faculty will run on March 23, 24, and 25 from 11 – 11:30 a.m. (EDT). The sessions may be taken separately, but we encourage those who are interested to take all three, and offer them on consecutive days:

We will provide information relevant to all search platforms including APA PsycNET, EBSCOhost, Ovid, and ProQuest. The platform used will be based on the needs of the attendees of each session. For more information on this series, including full descriptions, please visit our website.

These webinars are an ideal way for students to get a refresher on PsycINFO if they have had training earlier in the semester. Please help us spread the word to interested students and faculty!

Screenshot from tutorial How (and Why) to Search the APA Thesaurus in PsycINFO

Tutorial Thursday: Top Tutorials of 2015

It’s Tutorial Thursday! In this series, we explore APA’s extensive library of video tutorials, available on YouTube. Please feel free to link or embed videos or playlists in library websites or LibGuides, course management systems, or other locations where students, faculty, and researchers will find them.

Our video tutorials are a popular resource for people trying to quickly learn how to search APA Databases. But they’re also a rich source of material for librarians and instructors who are teaching students how to efficiently search PsycINFO® and other databases.

For many of our tutorials, we create a version for each of the major vendor platforms: APA PsycNET®, EBSCOhost, Ovid, and ProQuest. When looking at the most-viewed tutorials for each platform in 2015, we noticed that three tutorials appeared on each list. Continue reading

Keyboard with rainbow colors reflecting off of it

Webinar Alert: Sessions for Students & Faculty

Our first series of webinars for students and faculty in 2016 is starting on March 23, 2016. Help us spread the word to faculty, students, and anyone who teaches research methods.

APA provides free training webinars tailored for PsycINFO searchers at all levels of proficiency. We feature three 30-minute sessions: Basic Search, Advanced Search, and Results Management. The sessions may be taken separately, but we encourage interested students to take all three and offer the sessions on consecutive days. These webinars are an ideal way for students to get a refresher on PsycINFO if they have had training earlier in the semester.

Descriptions are provided below. Visit our website to register today for these no-cost sessions.

Research Methods instructors and other faculty: If you would like your students to attend for extra credit, we offer certificates of completion for each session.

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From the Deck of . . . the ALA Midwinter 2016 Lunch & Learn

Welcome to “From the Deck of . . .” an irregular series in which we highlight search demos and other information from the slide decks we create for our live training sessions. You can view and download these materials from our SlideShare account.

One of the items we discussed during our presentation at the American Library Association Midwinter Meeting was how to find book reviews in PsycINFO. We performed this search demonstration live using ProQuest, and have recreated it below with screenshots. You can take similar steps to complete this search on APA PsycNET, EBSCOhost, or Ovid. If you need assistance, talk to a librarian, or contact us at psycinfo@apa.org.

Before we get started, remember that PsycINFO is not a full text database, so the full text of the reviews you find may not be displayed. If you’re searching PsycINFO through your college or university’s subscription, ask a librarian for help finding the full text. If you’re searching through an individual subscription to APA PsycNET, this brief tutorial may be of assistance. Continue reading