Tutorial Thursday: Using PsycINFO Classification Codes on EBSCOhost

It’s Tutorial Thursday! In this series, we explore APA’s library of video tutorials available on the PsycINFO® YouTube channel and the APA Style CENTRAL® YouTube channel. Please feel free to link to or embed our videos in your library websites or LibGuides, course management systems, or other locations where students, faculty, and researchers will find them.

We recently updated one of our tutorials: Using Classification Codes in PsycINFO on EBSCOhost.

Screenshot of tutorial title screen for Using Classification Codes in PsycINFO (EBSCOhost)

For a more powerful and precise search, you can include PsycINFO Classification Codes in your query. Searching all fields or the “Keywords” field in a database is an easy way to start your research, but using these numerical codes from the APA Thesaurus will help you retrieve the resources you need more quickly and effectively.

Classification Codes are assigned by APA indexers to categorize documents in the PsycINFO database according to the primary subject matter. They are especially helpful for targeting your results when a search term can mean different things in different contexts, or when you want to search broadly.

This three-minute video demonstrates how to use PsycINFO® Classification Codes when searching PsycINFO (and other APA databases) on the EBSCOhost platform, and includes:

  • Description and examples of PsycINFO Classification Codes;
  • Where to find the complete list of PsycINFO Classification Codes; and
  • How to apply these codes to narrow your search to the most relevant results on the EBSCOhost platform.

This tutorial is a great resource to link from a LibGuide or course module for any class working with APA Databases on EBSCOhost, and can be helpful in answering email or chat reference questions.

The previous version of this tutorial will remain available, but if you have embedded or linked to it anywhere, we encourage you to update your materials to link to this new version.

Related Resources:

Tutorial Thursday: Creating APA Style CENTRAL Accounts

It’s Tutorial Thursday! In this series, we explore APA’s library of video tutorials available on the PsycINFO YouTube channel and the APA Style CENTRAL® YouTube channel. Please feel free to link to or embed our videos in your library websites or LibGuides, course management systems, or other locations where students, faculty, and researchers will find them.

For today’s edition of Tutorial Thursday, we’d like to highlight a video on our APA Style CENTRAL YouTube channel: Creating APA Style CENTRAL Accounts.

Although you don’t need a personal account to access the APA Style CENTRAL quick guides, tutorials, self quizzes, and sample references and papers, you do need to be logged into your account to create and save references, and write papers.

This short tutorial provides an overview of how to create an APA Style CENTRAL account, including:

  • Using your existing APA account associated with your APA membership, MyPsycNET account, or MyAPA account;
  • Looking up an existing APA account with your email address; and
  • Creating a new APA Style CENTRAL account.

Please feel free to link to this tutorial in any location where students, faculty, and researchers will find it!

Want to learn more? View related resources:

Do you have a “how-to” question about APA Style CENTRAL or some aspect of it you’d like to know more about? Please let us know!

Tutorial Thursday – Using the APA Thesaurus When Searching PsycINFO

It’s Tutorial Thursday! In this series, we explore APA’s library of video tutorials available on the PsycINFO YouTube channel and the APA Style CENTRAL® YouTube channel. Please feel free to link to or embed our videos in your library websites or LibGuides, course management systems, or other locations where students, faculty, and researchers will find them.

Searching “All fields” or “keywords” in a database such as PsycINFO® is a simple way to get started with research. Using the indexed subject headings found in APA’s Thesaurus is a more effective way to hone in on the resources you need.

A new version of the tutorial for using the APA Thesaurus on ProQuest is now available. This three minute video has demo searches that show how using the Thesaurus’ subject headings helps you research PsycINFO with depth and efficiency.

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Tutorial Thursday: How to Format a Citation in APA Style on EBSCOhost

It’s Tutorial Thursday! In this series, we explore APA’s library of video tutorials available on the PsycINFO YouTube channel and the APA Style CENTRAL® YouTube channel. Please feel free to link to or embed our videos in your library websites or LibGuides, course management systems, or other locations where students, faculty, and researchers will find them.

We recently updated one of our most-viewed videos: How to Format a Citation in APA Style® on EBSCOhost.

Screenshot of How to Format a Citation in EBSCOhost tutorial title screen.

This brief video demonstrates how to export APA Style citations from PsycINFO® (or any other database) on the EBSCOhost platform.

This is a great resource to link from a LibGuide or course module for any class working with APA Databases on EBSCOhost, and can be helpful in answering email or chat reference questions. The previous version of this tutorial will remain available, but if you have embedded or linked to it anywhere, we encourage you to update your materials to link to this new version.

Related Resources:

Tutorial Thursday: APA Style CENTRAL Online Introduction

It’s Tutorial Thursday! In this series, we explore APA’s extensive library of video tutorials. In addition to our APA Databases and Training Videos available on YouTube, we now have an emerging library of training videos on our new APA Style CENTRAL® YouTube Channel. Recordings of webinars, like the one linked below, and other training videos are added as they become available.

For today’s edition of Tutorial Thursday, we’d like to share a recording of one of our APA Style CENTRAL webinars: APA Style CENTRAL Online Introduction.

Screenshot from the recording of the Writing With APA Style CENTRAL webinar

This 1-hour webinar, recorded Feburary 7, 2017, covers content, features, and tools in APA Style CENTRAL that can be incorporated into your research, writing or instruction.

is presented with librarians and other platform administrators in mind.

See for yourself how APA Style CENTRAL® can help a wide range of academic users at your institution to easily learn and use APA Style! This one-hour webinar introduces librarians to APA’s newest APA Style® product, APA Style CENTRAL®. This introduction will include a content overview and demonstration of features.

  • Get acquainted with the APA Style CENTRAL platform
  • Tour the learning resources available through APA Style CENTRAL
  • Learn how you can use the platform to support all users of APA Style — students, faculty, writing center staff, and researchers
  • Get information about administrative tools for APA Style CENTRAL such as LMS integration and the Admin Center

Please feel free to link this video or any of our APA Style CENTRAL playlists in your library websites, LibGuides, course management systems, or other locations where students, faculty, and researchers will find them.

For information on attending this and other webinars please see our APA Style CENTRAL training web page.