Webinar Alert: Spring PsycINFO Sessions for Librarians

Our spring semester lineup of webinars for librarians kicks off next week. If you’re looking to expand your search skills, or just need a PsycINFO refresher, we hope you’ll join us! We offer two different one-hour sessions, both of which include live search demos.


Behind the Scenes of PsycINFO reviews the structure of APA Database records, and covers fields such as Index Terms, Keywords, and Classification Codes.


Beyond Subject Searching in PsycINFO includes a review of searching for information on tests and measures, and looks at other ways you can use PsycINFO to do more than just locating articles.


Additional Webinars for Students and Faculty

Looking for sessions for students and faculty, or our APA Style CENTRAL Online Introduction? Please visit our main webinars page for schedules and descriptions.


View Tutorials Anytime, Anywhere!

We also offer a large library of video tutorials. These can help you – and the students, faculty, and researchers you support – become a PsycINFO expert: https://www.youtube.com/PsycINFO

Tutorials on APA Databases Now Grouped in Playlists

The Tutorials on APA Databases page has been redesigned for easier use. It contains the same content, but the tutorials are now grouped in playlists by platform (APA PsycNET, EBSCOhost, Ovid, and ProQuest).

This page also contains the YouTube playlist for the Introduction to APA Databases that explains how to use our different databases and what you’ll find inside each one. This information is helpful for new users or anyone that could benefit from a refresher.

If you’re not yet familiar with this extensive library of video tutorials, we invite you to head on over and check it out! On the APA Databases site, look for the “Tutorials on APA Databases” link under the “Training & Technical Support” section in the right navigation pane.

Feel free to link to any of these playlists — or individual videos — in your library websites, LibGuides, course management systems, or other locations where students, faculty, and researchers will find them.

Related Resources:


New Handbook: The APA Handbook of Psychopathology

The APA Handbooks in Psychology series was launched in 2011 to provide comprehensive overviews and in-depth study of specific subfields within psychology. All of the Handbooks are included in the PsycBOOKS® database, and titles are also available individually.

The series currently contains 27 authoritative titles, including the 2014 CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title, APA Handbook of Sexuality and Psychology.

The most recent addition to this series is the APA Handbook of Psychopathology, edited by James N. Butcher and published in February 2018.

This Handbook provides an overview of symptoms and classification of disorders, and discusses the history of psychopathology, behavioral genetics, cognitive research methodology, brain imaging, behavioral observation, personality assessment, and developments in social policy, government policy, and legal decisions. The handbook also addresses the considerable challenges produced by rapid progress in the field, including the evolution of diagnostic systems that define disorders.

The handbook is composed of two volumes:
Volume 1: Psychopathology: Understanding, Assessing and Treating Adult Mental Disorders
Volume 2: Psychopathology in Children and Adolescents.

Material on each disorder is presented with a focus upon significant facets: the clinical picture, wherein contributors describe the symptoms of the disorder and its associated features; factors involved in the development of the disorder; relationships or comorbidity with other disorders; different assessment and treatment approaches.

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From the Deck of… ALA Midwinter 2018

Welcome to “From the Deck of . . .” an irregular series in which we highlight search demos and other information from the slide decks we create for our live training sessions. You can view and download these materials from the PsycINFO SlideShare account.

At the recent American Library Association Midwinter conference, APA hosted a Lunch & Learn training session, which covered searchable vocabularies in PsycINFO®.

  • Keywords are searched using natural language, and are good for current research and new concepts.
  • Index Terms (also called Subject Headings) are found in the thesaurus tool, and help the focused researcher quickly find all records about a concept.
  • PsycINFO Classification Codes® describe broad areas of psychology, and are good to pair with a keyword or an index term search.
  • MeSH, or Medical Subject Headings, are assigned by National Library of Medicine, and are good for searching neuroscience and health topics, especially for researchers familiar with PubMed.

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Access to PsycCRITIQUES®

PsycCRITIQUES® was discontinued as of December 31, 2017.

The full PsycCRITIQUES archived database is now available to the public through the Center for the History of Psychology at the University of Akron.
In addition, institutions that have an active subscription to Portico — a digital preservation and electronic archiving service —have access to an archived version of the database via their institutional agreement with Portico.

APA thanks all the psychologists who supported PsycCRITIQUES through their service as editors, associate editors, and review authors over the years.


If you have any questions about access to PsycCRITIQUES, please contact us at psycinfo@apa.org.