Introducing Dawn Harper

The APA Databases & Electronic Resources Customer Relations team is growing! Dawn Harper, MSLIS, joined the team in April 2016 as the APA Style Documentation and Training Specialist.

Prior to joining APA, she was a Distance and Instruction Librarian at Nova Southeastern University, where she managed online workshops and e-learning for the library. In addition, she worked with the Colleges of Business, Education, and Psychology to provide instruction in information literacy and research using subject-specific resources. In previous positions, Dawn worked with copyright and scholarly communications at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia, and provided reference and instructional services at Wentworth Institute of Technology in Boston, Massachusetts.

She has an MS in Library and Information Science from Simmons College and a BA in Media Arts and Design from James Madison University.

Dawn’s role at APA will focus mainly on training for APA Style CENTRAL™, and she will join the other training specialists in providing webinars, print and online training materials, and conducting in-person training sessions. Her experience working with students, faculty, staff, and librarians and APA Style® will ensure training materials are as useful and relevant as possible.

APA Announces Next Recipient of the Librarian Conference Travel Award

We are pleased to announce that Callie Wiygul Branstiter, Social Work Librarian at the University of Southern California (USC) in Los Angeles, CA, is the latest recipient of the APA Librarian Conference Travel Award. Callie will use the funds to defray the cost of attendance at the American Library Association Annual Conference this June.

Callie has been at USC for just over a year, where she has collaborated with faculty and students in a variety of courses, from undergraduate general education seminars to graduate research methods courses. She regularly designs, assesses, and modifies instructional programs and tutorials, and resources for social work graduate students. Her accomplishments include working with the curriculum chair of a new foundation-year course to develop student learning outcomes and course-integrated tutorials, and implementing both formative and formal needs assessments to cultivate effective library interventions for these students. She will present her research on conducting effective needs assessments for social work graduate students in on-campus and distance programs at the Education and Behavioral Sciences Section Research Committee Poster Forum during the American Library Association Annual Conference.

The committee would like to thank all those who took time to apply – we were inundated with applications from librarians in a wide variety of institutions and positions.

Now through July 31, 2016, APA Librarian Conference Travel Award is accepting applications for conferences taking place from September to December 2016. Please see the website for more details on eligibility, deadlines, and application materials.

New in PsycBOOKS: April 2016

In April 2016, APA added 2 new APA books to PsycBOOKS®. Past monthly update lists are available online. You can also view a list of sample titles or a full coverage list.

Bibliographic records are available through your PsycBOOKS vendor. You may also download RDA records directly from APA by following the instructions in the APA PsycNET® Administrator Help Menu.

  • Child Maltreatment: A Developmental Psychopathology Approach, © 2016 by Becker-Blease, Kathryn A.; and Kerig, Patricia K. ISBN: 1-4338-2222-9
  • Empowered Learning in Secondary Schools: Promoting Positive Youth Development Through a Multitiered System of Supports, © 2016 by Hazel, Cynthia. ISBN: 1-4338-2192-3

Exhibits Update: Association for Psychological Science

Association for Psychological Science 2016 Convention program coverThe Association for Psychological Science Annual Convention will be held at the Sheraton Grand Chicago, in Chicago, IL, from May 26-29, 2016. Look for representatives from the American Psychological Association in the exhibit hall, at booth 304. Stop by to learn more about APA Style CENTRAL™, an exciting new electronic resource for APA Style that’s launching this summer, and get the latest updates about APA Journals, Books, and Databases.



American Psychological Association exhibit hours:

  • Thursday, May 26: 8:00 – 9:30 p.m. (Opening Reception)
  • Friday, May 27: 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
  • Saturday, May 28: 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m

Travel Award Accepting Applications Through July 31

Now through July 31, 2016, APA Librarian Conference Travel Award is accepting applications for conferences taking place from September to December 2016.

The award is intended to help defray conference-related expenses for librarians with less than 15 years of experience after receiving their MLS. Three cash awards are distributed three times each calendar year, and the application cycle opens and closes on a rolling basis. At this time, we are not limiting the conferences that are eligible for travel award funding. Applicants should identify the conference that best meets their professional needs, and explain how attendance will support their current duties and future goals. Continue reading