New Features in APA Style CENTRAL®’s Writing Center – Spell-Check and Appendices

APA Style CENTRAL recently added and updated tools to help with your research and writing in APA Style, including improved spell-check and a new location for appendices.


You can Run Spell-Check Tool at any time to open a window where you choose to “ignore” or “change” words.

You can now also Check As I Write, which will underline misspelled words in red as you work.
Suggested words are provided if you click any underlined word. The spell-check includes words from the APA Dictionary of Psychology and surnames of famous psychologists, so these words will not be flagged as misspelled.



Appendices are now managed in a tab below the body of the paper. You can create an appendix, or call it out in the body, in the same way you would a reference, table, or figure.

Please note: Any appendices created in a paper’s body before February 2018 will be moved automatically to the Call Out Appendices tab.


You can read the full list of platform updates on APA Style CENTRAL’s training and support page.


Want to see more features added to APA Style CENTRAL?
Let us know!


Webinar Alert: APA Style CENTRAL® Trainings for March & April 2018

APA’s training specialists have developed several webinars for librarians, instructors, and students that include a content overview and a live demonstration of features.

Click on any session link below to register (all times are EDT).

APA Style CENTRAL Overview (60 minutes) introduces librarians, faculty, and students to the platform:

Teaching With APA Style CENTRAL (60 minutes) details how faculty, librarians, and other instructors can use APA Style CENTRAL in teaching APA Style:

Writing Papers in APA Style CENTRAL (30 minutes) teaches end users how to create and save papers using APA Style CENTRAL:

For more information, including the full training schedule, visit the APA Style CENTRAL webinars page.

Tutorials on APA Databases Now Grouped in Playlists

The Tutorials on APA Databases page has been redesigned for easier use. It contains the same content, but the tutorials are now grouped in playlists by platform (APA PsycNET, EBSCOhost, Ovid, and ProQuest).

This page also contains the YouTube playlist for the Introduction to APA Databases that explains how to use our different databases and what you’ll find inside each one. This information is helpful for new users or anyone that could benefit from a refresher.

If you’re not yet familiar with this extensive library of video tutorials, we invite you to head on over and check it out! On the APA Databases site, look for the “Tutorials on APA Databases” link under the “Training & Technical Support” section in the right navigation pane.

Feel free to link to any of these playlists — or individual videos — in your library websites, LibGuides, course management systems, or other locations where students, faculty, and researchers will find them.

Related Resources:


APA Style CENTRAL – Research Lab Book: Develop My Research Idea

Today we’d like to highlight one of our APA Style CENTRAL® handouts, “Research Lab Book: Develop My Research Idea” (PDF, 599K). Please feel free to link to this handout where students, faculty, and researchers will find it!

""APA Style CENTRAL’s Research Lab Book is a suite of tools to help you plan and document your research process. Develop My Research Idea guides you through developing a research idea that is neither too broad nor too narrow. Appropriate for use with original research or a literature review, this 5-step approach walks you through a structured framework for brainstorming your interests, identifying a specific topic, developing a research question, elaborating on the details of that question, and clarifying your expectations about the outcome of your research.

When you’re done, you’ll be ready to search for relevant literature and begin considering your study design.

Undergraduates and others who can benefit from a more structured way of formulating a research topic will find this tool helpful.

Faculty and writing instructors can also use these steps individually or in combination as Continue reading

APA Style CENTRAL® Expert Tip – Adding Paper Sections

When you start writing a paper in APA Style CENTRAL®, you choose a template and then choose either the Student assignment or Professional manuscript version. The difference is that the Professional version includes three additional paper sections – an Author Note, an Abstract, and Keywords.

You can add these fields to a paper that was started using the Student template.


Click on the Customize Paper Sections on the upper right, and then select to Include Author Note, Abstract, and/or Keywords.

The Abstract and Keywords will be added as sections ahead of the Body on the left side, and Author Note will be added as a section within the Title Page.

If you have started a paper in the Professional template, and don’t want to use these fields, just leave them blank.