APA PsycTherapy Receives Accessibility Certification

Certified Accessbile WCAG 2.1 AA 2021 davidberman.com

APA Publishing is proud to announce that our streaming video database APA PsycTherapy® recently received certification for full compliance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), version 2.1, Level AA. The accessibility evaluation was performed by David Berman Communications, a thought leader in the field of online accessibility.

Featuring prominent therapists demonstrating psychotherapy techniques during unscripted client sessions, APA PsycTherapy is a uniquely powerful instruction tool. Covering 150+ therapy approaches and more than 300 topics, the database currently exceeds 570 videos with a minimum of 20-25 videos added each year.

David Berman Communications referred to APA PsycTherapy as “an exemplary model of inclusive design” and also noted,

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Announcing the 2022 APA Books® E-Collections

The 2022 APA Books® E-Collections offer affordable solutions to provide perpetual access to academic and clinical research, as well as content supporting professional development in the behavioral and health sciences. These collections are designed to support the needs of clinical professionals, researchers, instructors, and students.

For 2022, three different collections and price points offer flexible solutions for building digital content in psychology while meeting increased user demand for DRM-free electronic resources.

Each collection presents an affordable option to provide perpetual, multi-user access to the authoritative psychology ebooks requested by students, faculty, and researchers while helping to minimize institutional and student costs. Libraries and educators may incorporate parts of the licensed materials in electronic course packs, courseware and/or electronic reserve collections.

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Webinar Alert: APA PsycInfo Fall Webinars for Students & Faculty

Interested in strengthening your APA database searching skills? Join us for the next round of APA PsycInfo webinars designed for students, faculty, and anyone else who wants to learn more about how to search APA PsycInfo more effectively!

The 30-minute APA PsycInfo – Basic Search session includes live search demos and provides search tips and strategies to help you locate more relevant results in less time.

The 30-minute APA PsycInfo – Advanced Search session explores a few of the added-value fields in APA PsycInfo and using them to uncover much more than journal articles. Search demos will demonstrate how to identify what research is happening at which institutions; finding new journals in which to publish your work; information about tests used in related research; and potential funding opportunities for your project.

Search tips and strategies covered in both sessions are relevant to all search platforms — APA PsycNet®, EBSCOhost, Ovid, and ProQuest.

The sessions may be attended separately, but we encourage you to take both if you are interested!

You can register with GoTo Webinar for one of the following times:

These webinars are an ideal way for new users to become acquainted with PsycInfo or experienced users to get a refresher on APA PsycInfo if they have had a previous training session. Please help us spread the word to interested students and faculty!

Can’t attend a scheduled session?

Webinar Alert: APA PsycInfo Fall Sessions for Librarians

Our Beyond Subject Searching webinar is designed for librarians and other expert users of APA PsycInfo. If you’re looking to expand your search skills, or just need an APA Databases refresher, we hope you’ll join us!

This 45-minute session includes a behind the scenes look at the APA PsycInfo record structure and a live search demo that shows how use APA Databases for more than just locating articles.

Search examples include:

  • seeing the types of research being done at a particular institution
  • identifying journals in which to publish new work
  • finding grants and sponsorships
  • locating tests and measures

You can register with GoTo Webinar for one of the following times:

  • Friday, September 17, 2:30 pm (Eastern Time)
  • Friday, November 19, 2:00 pm (Eastern Time)

Can’t join us at the times listed? View a recording on our YouTube channel whenever it’s convenient for you.

Additional Training Resources

Feel free to share or embed a link to any of our training materials.