APA PsycBooks New Title Release

Three new titles and two companion series of e-books are now available through your institution’s library as part of your APA PsycBooks subscription.

Recent additions cover topics including group psychology and insights into the behaviors of different types of groups in different types of situations; sexual evolution and theories referencing the work of Charles Darwin;  and guidance for administrators and faculty for measuring, improving, and assessing student performance goals.

Two book series covering supervision topics and theoretical underpinnings of various therapeutic approaches were also recently added to APA PsycBooks.

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APA PsycBooks Newly Released Titles

The July and August releases cover subjects related to research and therapies for diversity and social justice issues, patients living with chronic disease, early childhood education intervention, cognitive neuroscience, and clinical guidelines for the treatment of PTSD.

The new releases featured below include books aimed to help students, faculty, and researchers in their studies related to PTSD, trauma, trauma recovery, and alternative treatments of PTSD. Please share this list along with any complimentary titles or resources available through your library.

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